Метка: idiots
Dear Friends! To be honest, there comes a time when talking about serious things simply get tired. Waiting for the moment that the second wind was opened, and it's such a cowardly refuses to open. And wait, hoping to chance? No, of course.
How it all began. Dear Friends! How can you pass up this theme?! No, of course. It was not even a topic, and topics that are worthy of serious study.
Life has become better, life has become more fun. Dear Friends! We continue our conversation on the topic. New arrivals for better understanding read home- political correctness. Tolerance.
FAG in the best sense of the word. Dear Friends! Today we are completing a small talk on the subject. For the followers, I advise you to start with political correctness. Tolerance. Indifference or the last refuge of idiots and scoundrels.
Dear Friends!!! Today we'll talk about the economy and that is next to it. Why not?! Wilt fail to give their assessment of the current state of things?! Yes, we never once economists but nonetheless ...
Dear Friends! Today we will not have an expressed topic of conversation. Simply talk about the life of our grim and observe the events that have been in the past and who is interested in this. No, as akin, yours truly sing, that sees not going.
Dear Friends! Here is talking about himself, everything, no word about politics. Write better about law enforcement agencies. Well, or that everything is already good, and will be even better. Does not work.
Dear Friends! Today let's talk about what represents the rating of Russian guarantor of the Constitution, and not just about that. So, if I may say so, the theme for starters ... Rumor has it that this rating, just out of reach.
Dear Friends! At one time had a chance to talk with one very smart man. By chance, not even talk, and just talk. This usually occurs when life brings total strangers who will never meet. Conversation memorized. Details of deposited in memory.
Dear Friends! Sometimes it feels like, what would our desires coincide with our possibilities, but ... We are talking about wanting to write as much anymore, especially since so many interesting topics throws up life. But with opportunities ...
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about our Patriots and touch on in the light of our conversation the topic of patriotism. So, to begin, I suggest look at all knowing Wikipedia, it certainly knows the answers to all the questions and even more ...
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about ... And what is there to say, probably will tell anyone of the readers. Well, sent a letter Mr Erdogan is a friend of another master-friend Putin. How many such letters were in the history of the world ...
Dear Friends! The dilemma arose once again. There are two themes. One, which for a long time would like to talk to you, and second, that is to say, one day.
Dear Friends! Again, well already historically that any society loves to share ... Well there, the executioner and victim, pedestrian and motorist, law-abiding citizen and Bandit, smokers and citizens leading healthy lifestyles.
Dear Friends! Remember that our life is a game, and we are all actors in it?! So, taking into account current realities, not pokrivlju soul if I say that my life has turned into a series of frills. Moreover, each social group of their show-off.
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