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С 29.11.09

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We are all crazies, or very tricky, you know who ...

Dear Friends! Here is a Word to avoid giving the topic very cunning plan, know yourself, but ... Well, impossible to resist. No, really. It must have the willpower that would by such topics ... Weak people. And yours truly and a hairnet. So ...

There is, and why it may not be such an opinion that if seriously, if straight, if the democratic and liberal modesty to say, no cunning plan does not exist. The word is. It is clear that any, even the most stupid and idiotic decision or action. Well, Yes, you can, it, raskryvshemu mouths population attributed to u know who, very cunning plan. Type what would enemies finally confuse and respectively give regular reason voters feel pride in the ... Well, you get the idea. This is extremely important.

But here in principle, only two options. That is, the plan is, or it is not. Here is, as they say, and the whole deal. It is clear that our native power with its smart views even asleep. But even in a dream, planning to improve the lives of the electorate. No, really. Of course, it is clear that in relation to the electorate, native power manifesting blatant pettiness. But don't worry, if the power of the melochitsja, the melochitsja big. And it is good. This tradition is. So historically.

Well, as far as such thing as honesty, ... A vast majority of people really want to be honest, but if you put your hand on your heart, ... With pride we can and must admit that be rich want more than to be honest. It so happened. Even here and there is no reason to doubt. All for the benefit of man and in the name of man. Moreover, many have already become a guess about what the person in question.

That is saying, and evil tongues this fact confirms that ... Vladimir Putinand if anyone hasn't guessed, we are talking about his tricky terms, wakes up in the morning and thinks, that would be such a useful make. For the population, elite partners, potential adversaries. No, really. good deeds every day. Even smaller. Although he is never small Affairs. Well, there pensioner across translate.

Although, where there a number of retired and the road. No, the road may have, but with male ... Well, if television pictures, then it is understandable. To hold auditions. Take a decent. Coaching will hold. How to move across the street, how to pose for the camera. That answer questions Vladimir Vladimirovich. What is the ask ... As a Thankyou for caring. This is very important.

With regard to the cunning plan. Again, but ... Maybe, I say maybe, this is all ventured to confuse enemies and partners finally and irrevocably. Confuse, then strike unprecedented force and on all fronts. So say we beat once, but very effective. You just can't hear all the details ahead of time this most cunning plan. All we know at the time. If we'll live.

And I want to live to see than this whole circus is over. Though, and the whole course of world history this confirms circus may leave. Clowns of course partly to flee, and the remaining will be already in the new company, but on the old arena. It happens. But if not, let's leave this meditation stage native authorities, it is very likely to assume that wobbling, sorry-assed, has never led to success.

So, just in case. While many already do not remember differently as possible go to a brighter future. It is clear that flawless idiots can have hours of praise himself cunning plan and its brilliant creator. Well, the fact that their cunning plans sometimes writes on his knee. One was a genius, but he was in his time a cunning plans wrote in a tent. Yes. Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya thinks spouse at work. Colleagues think he is home. And he went from all away, sitting in a tent and writes, composes, writes ...

And that's actually what we all wonder. A big country, and it is known that a large ship go and very big rats in the hold. There are no differently. It is important to remember. Although, to the public cugundera has not quite close, but part of rats has already become to leave ship. And this, despite the presence of a cunning plan. No, it is clear that us the details are unknown. They are not known to anyone, but ... Let us not argue and we doubt?! Be positive! Cannot be. Believe just need not to say spiteful things. Believe that the implementation of the plan of the cunning that is exactly what we all wanted more only from the moment of birth.

Yes, there are some moments that are so troubling. It happens. Let's say, if you take the UPF (public national front), a body created by our beloved leader for ... Correct!!! To monitor and influence on his staff. Well, like earlier walked each head Commissioners kozhankah. Who goes to the FRONT?! Good question!!!

It go indifferent citizens wishing to benefit from. So say the young, yes early shoots already blemished middle and high school. Earlier, as far as I remember, street spoiled ... Lessons are taken into account. And now, those on the street do not go. Of these, the street will not ruin. These all lead. They are not afraid that they might fail. They understand perfectly well that the winners are not. Understand and do not want their absence to make our world more beautiful than it is. Everything they can.

And yet, so to speak, to understand. Here could tell our guarantor, our Constitution so long to sit in the Kremlin if it had not occurred to be General in its genius plan. Believe me, not sitting so long without plans, which used to be a key figure. Earlier, Yes. It was. One plan now. But ingenious in its simplicity. Please do not confuse with prostate problems. Plan as Naya ... replacing the electorate and retain power. But do it so elegantly that electorate was satisfied. TA has the task. Although ... You do that against Russia? Even children know that there are Putin is Russia. There is no Putin Russia. Here is from this must come.

Here talking about tricky terms, it is impossible to mention overdue trip to Syria. Tourists our camouflage there sort of is, but at the same time, their would be no. We would like a year ago, all tasks and their objectives they figured reached. Even rewarding the heroes were. Concert in Palmyra. Yes, there was. Mentally so musicians played. And everything is like nothing, if not for one fact. Well, as fact. So, faktik ... If we fulfilled all tasks in Syria, and all goals achieved, why not playing bravurnyj Marsh, and why not celebrate their prepares homeland heroes ... Why are we still there, part of a cunning plan to translate ... Why the patient is still asleep, though it had already begun to crack open. It's important.

Is it really ... No, don't even want to believe it! Surely this is the cunning plan. Declare to the whole world that we in Syria all won. Then begin fighting seriously and save ophthalmologist Bashar Al-Assad. Well, or type of rescued. Then, after it is executed in the courtyard of his residence. Over Damascus, to erect the victory banner, and then there will be a meeting of all interested and involved parties in the glorious city of the Hague.

Well, type exit or Conference to be absolutely precise, the most fair in the world. About Donbass and Crimea, I will not say at all. Everything has long been clear. About Crimea, rather like his will, yours truly wrote back in April of the year 2015. Then it seemed impossible. Now, even with the cunning plan, these thoughts and assumptions are no longer seem like fiction.

In fact, a cunning plan, it is nothing but an attempt to explain to the electorate that ... Type, then shit, which they serve in the guise of information, there is a very useful substance. So say for understanding and awareness of how lucky all of us in life. It is lucky! Lucky to live and be contemporaries of such great and brilliant leader, which is certainly fully ... Well, you have understood about anyone. You cannot go wrong here. Nobody close beside him. This is extremely important.

A what?! Many of this information nausea and weakness? It is ok. This means the process of recovery of the society. This is a temporary phenomenon. Before recovery, that's exactly what happens. The main thing is to believe that society will be healthy and not discontinue daily information dose. Stop, never. Otherwise everything will be in vain. The important thing to remember about this.

When I hear about citizenship uporotyh revolutionaries and poor people who went to them, smiling. No, really. I understand everything. These Liberals-hence "useless eaters, probably smoke very zaboristuju grass. They don't realize that pathologically ... To the hegemon took and drove all this zhirujushhuju shantrapu is necessary.

Correct!!! Alternative! And it's not, and is not yet in sight. Those who sits behind the Kremlin wall and those who want to follow her to sit, one field berries. Knows everything, nothing can do anything do not want ... It is already a tradition. If you are not able to do anything and you don't want to, then you have to go into power. And if you're not there, you have to go into the opposition. So say the cycle of brilliant leaders in nature.

And kindly tell me. Why go to the barricades to which already times in vain to die heroically? No, I understand that these thieves and rogues. But those is written on their oduhotvorjonnom face. Erudition, they traditionally gugljat. They were told that on the World Wide Web there are answers to any questions. So they believe. You can just zaslushat'sja how they get slow! Masterpiece!

A thoughtful reader is entitled to ask a question. And the question is very relevant. And besides, here rendered in title contention, that we are all crazies. Type, your humble servant, should not judge by yourself. No need to type all to call witnesses. Type, let yourself look and generally ... You know, I'm a very smart thing to say, but you do not take offense. Yes, we all the crazies! Don't believe me?! Consider yourself to be a man sensible?! Well well!!! And now, let, if anyone didn't know, introduce you to a very good experiment, which fully confirms my allegation about the loonies.

Yes, we are talking about an experiment Rozenhana! It is this study shocked the world of Psychiatry. Ingenious experiment, which ... It is like saying suppose doctors that there is no healthy people, there are no doobsledovannye. It is like saying investigators that no innocent people, there is a failure to provide evidence of guilt. And David Rozenhan, proved something else. Proved what takes place in our lives. Moreover, regardless of the political views and religion. Read about this experiment. I assure you, a lot of interesting things. Highly recommend.

That's all that I wanted to say.

The author would appreciate comments.

Author Gorg June 2017 year

Site Card Alexander (Sandro) Djordjadze


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