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С 29.11.09



 Than we wage war.

The Representative Genshtaba has publicly declared that events in South Osetii have revealled the problems in equipping of the armies, which there is urgently solve.

The Clean victory in any armed conflict can be considered that, at achievement which is destroyed only military power of the enemy, technical power to his(its) armies and objects of the strategic infrastructure. The Main role herewith plays the modern aviation and operated weapon to pinpoint accuracy. Exactly that practically in South Osetii with our sides was not used. Why?

In sky "Rook", and this terribly

Most often in military sky flashed "Rooks" - a storm troopers Su-25. Appeared more than thirty years back, he was accepted with delight as worthy continuation of the military legend - famous Il-2.

The Best soviet storm trooper end HH age differed from the best soviet storm trooper Great Domestic much a little. Even целеуказание for Su-25 was realized and realized авианаводчиком on radio communication with issue very aproximate coordinates. But that, as in olden timeses, is drawn on paper flight card before flight. No digital cards to terrain mortgaged in on-board computer, beside Su-25 no, as no beside it computer and even радиолокатора.

Under the most slightest celestial haze, in twilight more so, Su-25 from awesome combat birds change in blind nestling. Analyse with heights that turned out to be beside you in sight - a dwelling or storehouse with weapon, the base hit-terrorist or camp of the federal troopses, - a pilot Su-25 practically impossible. But shoot-that it is necessary!

Not surprising that already during the first контртеррористической of the operations in mountain appearance midair native storm trooper caused the alarm moods beside hit not only. And undeliberate air blow on its troops was much. But uzh that to speak of unjustified destroyed (simply because of diffusing of the rockets and bombs) to civil infrastructure and ruins of the peace inhabitants! Even on inevitable costs of the war of such loss to write off indecent.

During short-lived war with georgian aggressor became definitively clear that in term by populous civil population to terrain, where positions of their own troopses and troopses of the enemy are constantly changed, using Su-25 fraught consequence simply disastrous.

That to do? Probably, create the storm troopers of the new generation or at least modernize the fighters MIG-29 and Su-27.

The most different модернизационные projects, transforming fighters, created for air boa only, in multifunctional fighters-bombers, in Russia there is! And the main generals of the staff VVS about they beautifully know.

"Huntsmans" for "shark"

More then, the absurd situation formed in боевом вертолетостроении. Nearly fifteen years back were is officially accepted on arms the most powerful in the world combat helicopter Ka-50. The Discriminating particularity of this machine in that that she on the strength of its соосной of the designs very firm at flight in complex mountain term. "Turn black shark" have even felt in combat term in mountain. The Reviews were the most rave. However in troops Ka-50 as well as did not appear. The Main combat helicopter of Armed power to Russia remained "crocodile" Mi-24.

А in prospect all преференции absolutely have unexpectedly returned MI-28N. Several years back were is officially declared about that that MI-28N (without obligatory contest!) is accepted on arms as main striking combat helicopter.

He give name "Night huntsman" and have referred to fifth generation. It Was announced госзаказ on more then hundred of these machines. Insofar known, developers and producers MI-28N have got the enormous finance from military budget under its brainchild. Well and in that our tax deductions incarnate? Where "Night huntsmans", flying troops which point blow, on idea, for one night have to destroyed whole вражескую technology and combat power within South Osetii?

Vysokotochnaya poor progress

That approaches the era an высокоточного weapons, became clear as far back as семидесятые years past age. And soviet design thought wholly adequately среагировала on call of time. The Russian army was got not bad and not so uzh small высокоточный arsenal. And, honestly say, was expected that exactly point blow solely on military purpose our army will force the aggressor to the world in South Osetii. Alas, devastating blows were inflicted not "in group of ten".

Why so happened? The Answer to this question turned out to be most simple and the most galling. Effectively use in real fighting available in arsenal высокоточное weapon our army simply can not.

There is such "clever" projectile "Krasnopoli". He ideal suits for using from 152-mm of the selfpropelled gun "avenge-With". To strike one projectile, to example, вражеский tank astir on removing in twenty with spare kilometer, necessary this tank to see and подсветить his(its) lazer ray. Find and indicate the purpose can reconnaissance group or flying machine-scout, including unmanned. But further all simply: one shot - one purposes no. The Battery 152-mm gun in a matter of minutes capable to destroy any, including consolidated and rolling, objects in radius of the fire by minimum amount amunition. Herewith nor one civil building ruined will.

"Clever" projectiles us have. Moreover in excess! No one, this "wit" sensibly before purpose will bring. Classical artillery exploring simply will not die to work in deep rear of the enemy. Her(its) element - a forward area. The Scout-special policeman, knowing how act in rear, does not teach to work in tandem with артсистемами, shooting "Krasnopolem". Bespilotnikov, capable to nose the вражеские to purposes and подсвечивать their lazer, no even in prospect. Here is and rust the высокоточные самонаводящиеся projectiles on storehouse, but guns "avenge-With" accustomed пуляют the usual land mine on area.

The Similar situation and with высокоточными крылатыми rocket, and with corrected авиабомбами. To effectively use such weapon, little his(its) have. They it is necessary else to know how to use. When buying "clever" weapons necessary was parallel to create and debug far from simple system of his(its) using. But here is on this, similars, came short neither power, nor facilities, nor desires.

GLONASS leaves in "zone"

On the first stage combat action georgian artilleryman managed to leave from beneath return blow. Becomes firmly established that georgian military helped strategic разведслужбы USA, supplied Tbilisi given with their own fcompanion(satellite). But our fcompanion(satellite)s where were? However, deal in cosmic technology not only.

There is such remarkable radar complex of the exploring position rockets and artillery, as "Zoopark-1". In radius forty kilometer he instant засекает the flying projectile and immediately defines the point of the shot. Literally seconds are required for full processing the purposes and issues given on shooting. In minute, on idea, вражеская battery must be suppressed aiming return at one gulp. "Zoo" in necessary place and at necessary time why-that did not turn out to be. The Adjustment артогня went, either as in Great Domestic, on радионаводке and with mate. Beat basically on area.

The Axiom with суворовских of the timeses is considered that each soldier must know its place in боевом formation and on field of the battle. Today this impossible without the individual system of the satellite positioning. American GPS beside georgian military were. Our мотострелки about own GLONASSE, probably, only heard. Recently, was declared that russian concluded выдадут the bracelets with cosmic system of the navigations - an administration colony must know, where are found their charge. But when similar navigators gets that, for who GLONASS in the first place and was created - Armed power to Russia?

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