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Аллитерации arise on a plan of the author.
Аллитерации, in other words - the repetition agreeable or group of words, is especial in the beginning
The lines much(many) consider(examine) as a stylistic means, which use known
Or not so known writers and poets:
Is like лилии winged,
Колеблясь, enters of Лалла-hands.
( And. With. Пушкин)
However, American scientist. Скиннер, expert in the field of statistics and psychology,
Believes, that the similar combinations of sounds not necessarily arise intentionally - they can
To appear and is casual. Скиннер has done the following calculations: at first it(he) has calculated
Mathematical probability of occurrence in verses of two words beginning from the letter "с", and
Then - probability that three words one under another would begin with the letter "с".
The probability at the rate of on 1400 lines has made accordingly 161 line with the letter "с",
Repeated twice, and 29 lines with "с", repeated three times.
Then Скиннер of the beginnings to check the statistics, found out by him,(it,) on 1400 lines
шекспировских сонетов. Has appeared, that in them there are equally 161 lines with double
By recurrence of the letter and 26 - with threefold. In other words, that the reader and student carry
To refined гениальности of the poet and his(its) special gift, can appear elementary
By concurrence.
By the way, Скиннер observed similar concurrences of theoretical calculations with
By practical supervision and for other letters of the alphabet.
Altar - invention of a christianity.
If today altar - place of the tax of the believers, the first christians had no what
Or special place, where they would make богослужение. Moreover, that they not
Knew of altars, the representatives of other religions considered(counted) as their barbarians. An altar as a place, where
Uplift victims to the gods, existed in all religions long before occurrence
In England frequently there are rains.
In London in year drops out 590 millimeters of deposits, in Rome 760, in Florence 870, in
Milan 1000, and in Генуе even 1100. It is possible to assert(approve), that of London - one of driest
Cities in Europe.
Even in other areas of England the deposits drop out less often, than in Italy: on the average on England
900 millimeters of deposits against 950 on the average on Italy. Whence so превратное
Representation about famous city?
Business in that the deposits are distributed(allocated) differently: in Italy it is almost exclusively(almost extreme)
In the autumn and winter, and in England in regular intervals within all year. Differs and
Duration of a rain: in England with the British restraint дождик drips frequently and
Gradually (on the average in day), in Italy it(he) behaves emotionally and violently -
Seldom, but flows. From here and general(common) impression, though, as we were convinced, on the average in
Italy of deposits drops out more.
In England the grapes does not grow.
Who is not enough on continent at a word "England" thinks about виноградарстве and fault. Between that in
The island state already there are a lot of centuries выращивают a grapes, though earlier
виноградников was more, than now. The English monasteries located at southern
Coast and down to Liverpool and Ноттингема, were glorified вином, which, on
To memoirs, at all did not concede foreign-made, and if the Englishmen in 1152 not
Have won a part of France, including Bordeaux (having created it a sharpest competition
виноделам), still it is not known, how many foremen in this area of an agriculture were
Now on an island.
Majority stayed виноградников произрастает today in the south and southeast, in
графстве Кент, along Thames, nearby to Cambridge. Now, on прошествии many
Centuries, виноградарство again types(collects) rate. The general(common) area виноградников makes
About 400 hectares, т. е. Approximately as much, how many in Саарской of area in Germany.
As one more country. In which выращивают a grapes, though who is not enough about it
Knows, it is possible to name Canada.
The Englishmen - largest fans(amateurs) of tea in the world.
If to recalculate on soul of the population, in Ireland of tea drink more, than in England.
In Great Britain the right of a vote has all adult population of the country.
During parliamentary choices the members of chamber of the lords and queen of the right of a vote have no.
The best orange juice - from just выжатого of an orange.
Consider(count), that the most useful juice receive from just выжатого of an orange (lemon,
грейпфрута). Between that it is not necessary so. Business that the best manufacturers
Establish of the press for выжимания of juice directly near to orange
By plantations. The juice, received at it, is absolutely fresh and high-grade and
The consumer reaches, not losing anything neither in taste, nor in vitamins. Oranges, which
We receive in Europe, could arrive from apart. Them tear unripe and they ripen in a road,
And sometimes thus the chemicals are used. So juice, выжатый from such orange,
Not necessarily it is better than that is sold in packages.
The Arabian figures were thought up by(with) the arabs.
The Arabian figures 1,2,3,4,5... The arabs have thought up at all, they came to us from India.
Simply arabs have brought therefrom this form of record of numbers, which was then distributed
Through Northern Africa and Spain in Europe.
True advantage of the Arabian figures in comparison with Roman not in their spelling, and in
The ingenious invention - item notation, at which "weight" of figure
Is defined(determined) by its(her) rule(situation). So, 5 among 15 means only пятерку, and among 2523 -
Five hundreds (you see 2523 is 2 times on one thousand, 5 times till hundred, 2 times till ten and 3).
This idea is so ingenious, as taming of fire and invention of a wheel. There will be no her(it), us
Still it should, multiplying 27 on 115, to recalculate XXVII on CXV. Without this so
The idle time, however and ingenious idea would not be neither modern physics, nor chemistry, people not
Would fly to space and would not invent a nuclear bomb.
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