As, I already wrote, about the beautiful women., how the men, would seem
Strong floor, are afraid and avoid them. Today, the conversation is a little about the friend. That such
Beauty the woman. The gift Божий, or наказанье, with which beautiful woman, lives all
The life. When look, on next красавицу, going along the street, it happens, hardly
Neck not свернёшь to itself. But it from the party. Few(a little,not enough,poorly) who reflects, and as her lives with
своею by beauty. You see, to try сладенькое and beautiful, wishing it is a lot of.
The beautiful, appetizing employee in working collective, is object steadfast
Attention of the chiefs. This fact whether or not is pleasant to her,, the meaning(importance) has no. If,
The beauty is used, as the goods, this one. And if the normal, beautiful woman.
Which wants to like, and to be liked. Which wants to meet, one, but
The unique(sole) man. To her how to be. Домогательства of the men. Envy, less, than she,
Allocated beauty environmental е ё the women. Well she will meet, unique(sole)
And unique. Further, that. Think, quiet and happy life? As though, not so.
Show me, though one the man, which will be not not jealous, by(with) such treasure,
Which is near to it(him). Yes, it is possible to speak about trust, about love …..
Вс ё it is correct. But fact, остаётся by the fact. Let she, even will be the angel in flesh, but
To her eventually, надоест, this unreasonable jealousy.
With lovely, and paradise in a tent. Agree. But when look, as others красавицы, вовсю
Use the beauty, in aspiration to worthy life. There is a temptation? Certainly
Is. When in the beautiful woman, see only beautiful environment. And you see, frequently,
She ещ ё both is clever, and is rich spiritually. Well to not tell you see, everyone to the man, about
The internal world., where passions шекспировские. If, in addition to all, woman,
ещ ё and likes most of all on light. Then, in general tragedy. Let's not dissemble.
The beautiful woman, fine understands, what terrible weapon she has. And very much
Difficultly, I repeat, the angel she, or волчица is very difficult to define(determine). She and itself, at times
Who does not know she. Where to the men. Most likely, both that, and another. Depending on
Circumstances. And lives. With hope on pure(clean) and light. But constantly were exposed
To attacks dirty and dark.
Hardly? Very much. By the moments, I think, she and itself is not glad, beauty. How much, it is simple
The pleasant and lovely women around. Also are happy.
And I think, so. The beauty, she is at everyone. At one, is obviously expressed, at others is latent.
When the woman likes, and is liked, she so shines!!!! She, so is beautiful!!!!! Words, not
To pick up. And even the most heavenly beauty, grows dull, when there is no happiness, or his(its) searches
Do not give result.
Beauty, this very strong weapon. Main, as will dispose of him(it). Unfortunately,
Not of all удаётся to dispose correctly. By beauty it is possible to kill. And is possible to lift, up to
Heavenly heights. It is necessary simply to like, if want to like. Instead of to count up the dividends. To like, it is simple so. How the usual women like. To forget about
Beauty. To cease, self to admire. Difficultly? Very much. Roughly? I admit. Simply, noticed, that beautiful, can not admire itself. Not all. But, many. So, the woman is arranged. And beautiful, in particular.
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
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I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. November. 2009.