For anybody not a secret, that the women very much like to gossip. The truth, it
They name in another way. With the girlfriend поболтать. Nice to talk. But if it is honour,
That the women it can excuse. Well, such they. Well, they like to talk. The old joke is recollected. Husband asks at wife, with whom it she two hours on
To the telephone communicated. And the wife answers, that she did not communicate. It is simple by number(room)
Were mistaken. Yes, our women, косточки like to wash up by all and another's familiar.
Know, I have got used to this, and for a long time already I treat with the large understanding. To me it
Reminds man's conversations about рыбалку, hunting, football ….. Forbid to the women
To gossip, and it seems, they will lose сво ё charm, highlight, it is possible to say.
And with the men, not вс ё so it is simple. I shall say more. It is very not simple. The one who not
Knows, I shall explain. If to consider(count), that the woman large сплетницы, then the man,
Are great сплетниками. It not only мо ё opinion, this opinion of the people, which
With it collided. Simply women do not hide, that they like поболтать.
That do(make) the men. There are two variants. First variant, it when having accepted on
Breast a fair doze of alcohol, he begins to tell every possible небылицы.
Main to show to the interlocutor, importance. This importance, concerns various
Areas. He and любовник great. The women arrange fights without rules, what with that
Who will win his(its) attention has got. Most opposite, that thus he lists(transfers)
Surnames and names. And in it винегрете, happens very difficultly to distinguish truth from
Fiction. And this information goes further, because his(its) interlocutor, or interlocutors,
Same would like where be in the other place, to flash by the awareness.
Besides he great любовник, he ещ ё and most abrupt man. And again
There is a transfer of the feats, plus to this the stories, certainly, under large
By secret, about the communications(connections). The histories about large and small criminal begin
Authorities. Which, on first I call, will arrive and will understand with whom it is necessary and it is not necessary.
And вс ё because they very much appreciate and respect, it(him), such abrupt and fair
The man. Only, he them on trifles to disturb does not want. Not such he the man. And could.
And how to not tell about the communications(connections) in imperous structures. How to not be praised.
You see he with Иваном Ивановичем, appears, studied in one class, and lived in one
Court yard, in one house, on one ladder platform. And in general, he comes to it(him)
In a study, opening a door by a leg, at any time of day and night.
But it on drunk лавочке. On sober, occurs approximately too most, but more
Accurately and prudently. He never will say, anything about itself(himself). What for. Gossiping,
Sober, our hero, always will be подчёркивать, that all this information, he, somewhere
Heard. Where, any more does not remember. The people spoke. And he here and. And in case of that,
What to it(him) of the claim. He that and, if the people болтают.
Interestingly that process this, does not depend on a I.Q. the man. Simply
The words are said different, in dependence, from education. Essence of business, it does not change.
Will see of other time, at such сплетника. From the party орёл. The man, positive,
In every respect. And inside that, at him(it), nature female. Ridiculously it happens to look, how
They subsequently begin to be justified, for not in a measure long language.
I consider(count), that even if the man, has the information, we shall say so, confidential, he should simply be silent. It and on - мужски, and is simply decent(considerable).
To turn to the woman, which likes to gossip, simply it is not beautiful. Afflicts,
That fact, that of such men, very much and is a lot of. But not all women know about it.
And when will confront(meet), with such comrade, then at them the eyes and open. But
It happens is very insulting, when they then, begin to consider(count) and other men, same. Cut everything, under one comb, speaking, that all of us identical.
And you, that think, in this occasion.
And вс ё, that would be desirable to say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. Январь.2010.