Did not think, that will come to concern this theme. And it is necessary. The example familiar, does not give to pass by this fact from our life. So, that we have. A married couple, in which spouse, we shall say so what to not offend our women, has superfluous weight. And драгоценейший the spouse, puts to her it in fault, and they not so have attitudes(relation). At some, reaches even divorce.
First, that would be desirable to say to such spouse. Where you looked earlier. Agree, that the weight can be typed(collected) and after wedding. But … .Не morally to kill for it to the spouse. You the native people. And if to understand, also man, is far from being samples of a beautiful figure. The clever husband, he will not point on this fact of attention. To work above the decision of this problem, it is necessary together, and is very thin and is delicate. I do not take in account such cases, when the woman, that is spoken in, body,. On taste and colour of the comrades no. Here excuse. Возьмём a case, when by virtue of a number(line) of the reasons, at the woman superfluous weight. First, that it comes in a head, simply to shoot е ё. There is no man, there are no problems. Will find another, потоньше. Will live, while the next spouse, again will not type(collect) weight. And so on a circle.
But it if is no love. And if like, and man good, then what to do(make). I think, that for the beginning, simply to not do(make) from this tragedies. To sit and on souls to talk. You you see heard very much to me liking saying. That all men, are divided into two types. One like the complete women, and others hide, that they like the complete women. The spouse can belongs to the second type of the men, and the reason of his(its) discontent by you, lays in absolutely other plane. He can simply to you carps. Everyone happens in life. If it(he) really very much is disturbed by(with) your weight, then absolutely other business. Вс ё. Is decided(solved). Let's grow thin. Накупаем the literature. We look, that we in the Internet are advised by(with) the Great experts. Necessarily поспрашиваем of the girlfriends, they too consider(count) themselves as the large connoisseurs in this business. We prepare so to say theoretical base.
Is ready? Then we begin е ё, actively to put into practice. To itself on advantage(benefit) and husband for pleasure., whether only on advantage(benefit). We you see have got used, how? That вс ё quickly would occur, but thus it is desirable, nothing to do(make). There are, certainly, women, which understand, that without effort, nothing to achieve. And others, training halls, and racing pathes, prefer, different way. Diets, tablet and so on. Has drunk a tablet. Has drunk second. Look, and weight began to be reduced. Благодать, and only. Only there is one small nuance. Health is lost. I am not taken any more to consider(examine) quality of all this production. Also it turns out, that wanted to grow thin, and has got the whole bouquet from illnesses. At some women, such strong motivation to похуданию, that they do not want to notice of all dangers for организма. Main to grow thin now. That will be then, will be then.
But other fact is interesting to me. We admit(allow) the woman, has executed a wish of the husband to become стройной. It was possible to her. And they have taken and развелись. It happens you see and such. But the new spouse on the contrary likes the magnificent women. That then to do(make). Again of weight to type(collect). Let's present, that after that, him will cease to like your nose, either уши. Or ещ ё, that be. Then, that, all life by experiments to be engaged. And, as to похудания, I shall say one thing. America, certainly, I shall not open, but there are people, which do not reflect on it. It is necessary simply to eat. Not наедаться, and simply to eat. It is desirable home food. Whenever possible to observe a mode. And in the conclusion, I want to say about Main. When beside the Liked Woman, believe, I in the latest turn think about е ё weight. It is simply necessary to watch(keep up) itself. And to think before to decide to grow thin. It is necessary to you?
And вс ё, that wanted to say. The author will be grateful for your comments. I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care. The author Gorg. March 2010 of.
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