Life has become better, life has become more fun.
Dear Friends! We continue our conversation on the topic. New arrivals for better understanding read home- political correctness. Tolerance. Indifference or the last refuge of idiots and scoundrels.Part one, while the rest will continue.
Perhaps you are not aware, but idiots was terrible and very oberegaemaâ of mystery. Why was? Yes because they're idiots. They do not know how to keep secrets. One idiot under strict secret told on her other geek, and ...You know, that's what know two, already knows and pig ...
So here. One idiot, who considered themselves very, very clever, determined to devote their entire lives very desired for the rest of humanity. What? Not guessed? Think. Yes, he decided life lying on the sofa, or sit in a rocking chair and think. And since the thought process, it implies the loss of calories, and the more you think, the more of these calories, they decided to spend more and eat well.
But how are you going to eat, if he did not perform. You stupid, if you have not guessed. About whom he will relentlessly think? That's right, about humanity. Here is let humanity and provides it with the requisite calories. And the servant, so as not to be distracted by such routine actions as cooking. And then one day ...
Yes, one day instead of a delicious sandwich with caviar, he filed a sandwich with salmon. The legitimate indignation about this, he was told that today there is a shortage of this product, but tomorrow everything will be back to normal again. And here is our idiot dawned. Here it is. Here it is the link, pulling to pull the entire chain.
This is what we have. People are more and more naturally brilliant thinkers, among them also becomes more and more. And geniuses are known to not work, and only think globally ... There may come a time when a brilliant thinkers have to restrict your diet, and even scarier to limit not only the quality, but quantity. What gall to be fruitful. ; Poverty, but they also feed the need.
Simple logic has an ingenious solution. And it was accepted. To reduce in the short term, the number of consumers in the world. As well as brilliant thinkers, they're the same idiots themselves as downsizing is not made, the agenda was a very important issue. How to make the people on the planet was getting smaller and smaller, but not to work on that process, but only to lead them. In vain am telling lies about the thinkers, calling them brilliant idiots. Sometimes they can think. Although, to tell that life itself tells them the right decision.
Judge for yourself. They do not want to work. Not the Tsar. But the work must be conducted. Who will lead? And who else is there? True, humanity itself. The type who prevents us from, that will help us. Kind of Perpetuum mobile. You only have to tell stupid humanity how to restrict their reproduction.
There is a problem and it needs to be addressed. I would like to point out that they are idiots, and idiots, but even they couldn't understand that to solve the task requires solving a range of problems and the only right and correct solution simply does not exist. And here is a step by step, or as the Americans say step by step, this is the correct and only the right decision.
War. And preferably a very big war. But there are a lot of pitfalls. Certainly not one, albeit a very big war, and a lot of little wars, and those that do not end with the signing of the peace agreements and of the category when playing against each other irreconcilably, and playing for a long time. And the face is not rude, and very beautifully and gracefully.
But as they say, a war many consumers of backgrounds is not uberëš′, but as one of the ways is quite good. As the zërnyšku hen pecking and here. What else can you do? As that. To do so, what would the family, which is, as we have been told unit of society, had ceased to be the last place where not suût its long nose brilliant idiots.
And began. There was the concept of family planning. As mushrooms after rain began to sprout all sorts of rights movement a FAG. Feminists have become louder and louder to claim that women are people too and they don't have to stick to three German,,,,. So if anyone does not remember Kinder, Küche, Kirche, which translated to Russian Children, kitchen, Church. Traditional family values are laughed and sly destroyed.
The idea is clear. If a woman begins to actively pursue a career, the birth of children is becoming less and less time. This is another seed, in reducing mankind. But this is not enough. After all, the remaining women still will give birth. And then took the stage with tall columns white and fluffy FAG. That's where the reserve is hidden. These certainly will not be fruitful.
And this has atavism found the fag, as the desire to raise children can be successfully overcome, allowing it to adopt and to adopt children, taken from nesoznatel′nogo cattle. It's a small pebble in the juvenile justice system, which pushed almost at every corner of the ingenious idiots.
Women's self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Stupidity? No, this is a new and progressive. The quiet vzdoham with moon on the bench, come visit a specialized shop and purchase a rubber friend or girlfriend, which do not specify unnecessary and silly questions. By the way, about the best FAG squad genius of idiots. Unlock a terrible secret. FAG have always been. And I don't think they had more problems than the rest of the citizens who prefer to love the opposite sex, not delving into gender studies. But ...
Diva daëš′sâ. In the world of so many problems and unsolved issues that work for many centuries to come. But why are the most important and immediate solutions, is the issue of the rights of a fag and the like. Why would it? Read more about the main goal of reducing the population size.
But this again is only a seed into the General Treasury. Arhivažno, as the leader of the world proletariat to condense the traditional family. The husband, the wife, the child is the family? Stupidity. Five husbands, three wives and a universal favorite child, the truth is, it is unclear who conceived, but this prejudice cave.
Read on the World Wide Web that prosveshchennoj Europe some particularly advanced citizens are fighting for the right to live with animals, and some impatient already live. Oil painting. Came for a birthday to friends. The guests sit. And you go and see your other half. «Meet. Buryonka Masha, I love and favour. Funny enough, this is all very sad in its frustration.
Just do it, and how is this done? Elementary. If anyone remembers, and if you do not remember, I remember. In a terrible frills go was very famous construction. So called the Baikal-Amur mainline (BAM). This is one of the major railway lines in the world, which lies in Eastern Siberia and the far East.
How to get people off the familiar places and go to the harsh edge to build this highway? Agitation. Moreover, in all directions and from different angles. Sometimes the impression that you come into the toilet, and the toilet seat from the austere voice of Secretary of the Komsomol organization asked, why are you here and not on the great site.
But in our case, we live in an age of high technology came and the relevance of the topic. If, for example, three lives in your town, with the inclusion of pidora at full power the relevance of topics a fag, I can assure you that soon, you even look back in no time, as FAG becomes much more. And if we add to this the devotees of the free love, the love of animals. That's where the feast during the plague in his brutal grandeur and apofeoze.
Imagine how many of these seemingly innocuous things separately and not be born and children were born. And how many could be born from the womb ... But it is not as smooth as it seems at first glance. The family seems to be coping well. But remember, we talked about the three above, k? So that's where reference was made to the Church.
With all the problems that this religious organization were, naturally receives new and do not have simple solutions. Broken stones corner, and there is not far off when the entire Foundation will collapse. Churches are empty. Parishioners, or rather what was left of them, worship the other values.
If the Church is not in favour of marriage by Lauren Hutton, then so much the worse for the Church. Why go to such Church. The Holy fathers pondered. There are economic interests too, so you can go bankrupt. And instead of forming and sow more eternal, Holy fathers went to the progressive parishioners and began, under the slogan of Socialist competition, who the Holy fathers the most progressive. An example of the new Pope is indicative and can serve as examples to others.
We perhaps will end up. And in the next, final part we'll talk about which technologies are used by brilliant idiots to accomplish their goals. It will be called simply. FAG in the best sense of the word.
I would appreciate comments.
Do not say goodbye. Take care of yourself.
By Gorg February 2014 year