Dear Friends! Remember that our life is a game, and we are all actors in it?! So, taking into account current realities, not pokrivlju soul if I say that my life has turned into a series of frills. Moreover, each social group of their show-off. Each occupational group, their show-off. Show-off everywhere. But when they are applied to a systemic crisis, and justified the censorship, it becomes frightening. Scared of the thought. What kind of a world do we live in?! This is important.
With great interest the text the son of Arkady Raikin lamented. No, I understand that Konstantin raikin, certainly talent. No, I understand that when he was not an official of the theatre, he played, and perhaps played brilliantly, but ... It is a trend. A person engaged in the business, gives him all his forces without leaving a trace and ... And then, when there is a name, it is already starting, this is the name of the exploit.
Having achieved some success, these people go to ... Well, sports officials, officials from art managers from this state-of-the-art and. .. Correctly to the fore coming out making money. Moreover, in today's reality, it's the most making mainly occurs due to budgetary constraints. Oh, so comfortable. This is important.
In fact, more and earn. I can't imagine a situation where ordinary genius, in order to provide the general public with his creation, does so at their own expense. Well, type, printed tickets. Sold the most tickets. And the artist-creator can live comfortably, while continuing to work. So say admirers and connoisseurs of talent are voting their coins. But given the passion the wider public to widespread freeloading. Right, then, these artists and creators, would have led a miserable existence. This is important.
Remains the only way to survive. And this way, relatively honest, simple money weaning to genius. Ask the State. Elementary! Let the native state, will us such brilliant and talented to sponsor and support. And how! We're finding creative! But here is the place to be, one little flourish.
Creative people, they're touchy it is. Here's the release for budget money his another masterpiece, and his native state, through its numerous officials and will express their negative attitude, and ... And starts Planar Creek, about the impending or already nadvinuvshejsja censored. Nightmare! The end of the world! Carcasses of light and sushi oars!
Seemingly, the State gives money to art and ... Common sense and logic dictates that ... It is the State and must order, music,. It is obvious! No, if you are so talented, as mentioned above, go to free swimming. And if you're ... Well, I hope you heard me.
Then, the customer is acting and should evaluate what exactly for the budget money, navajal regular genius. And it is this very offends these geniuses. They, because they want to. Type I let people's money and walk away, what would my eyes you all haven't seen. And I, all such ingenious, with clever kind will create their masterpieces. And try to express in my address, even a drop of criticism. It is already censored and all that.
Seemingly surprised nothing already, but ... These are the creators, very willing to creatively live based on their vision of reality, but ... On public money. And that's OK! And when such indulgence to say the creator would you advise making the most and do anything. Happens to be hysterical, with all the attendant consequences. Intellectuals, she is so creative. It was unclear from which it comes, but it seems that cash stream of budget money must not run dry under any circumstances. Apparently because they believe it will be correct. This is important.
Admittedly, I could be wrong. The State, if it should state and must generate your order art. Yes, it's complicated. Yes, then it is necessary to understand what is at stake. Yes, you have to understand that we want to get to the exit, but ... Here there are dangers grow on public money universal endorsement and universal joy. Two poles. On the one hand vulgarity, idiocy and, on the other hand, with happy smiles on their face.
If nothing is done, there will be something that is so worried about actor Evgeniya Mironova. And it really bothers nekul'turnoe society. That's driving these most ingenious creators, and yet, though not often, trying to pay them out and magic pendelej. By the way, to perceive these facts as a public performance and installation, creative intelligentsia categorically does not want ... This is important.
Any criticism is perceived as aggressive ignorance and interference in their professional activities. Moreover, any criticism is perceived as discrediting concepts-artist, creator, freedom ... What is there to say. All of this is difficult. But you can try. Try not to promote things in theatres and movies. Yes, difficult. Do not argue. Try not to stand in the museums of ohrenitel'nuju by daubing her masterpieces. Yes, difficult. But you can try.
Try heroes of our time do not thugs and pidorov, and make the budget money. Try it out, let it be timid, but ... Try to give a society that exalts man, makes him empathize, laughing and crying, cheering, compassion ... Maybe then, albeit slowly but will begin getting rid of ineptitude and schlock. Maybe then, artists begin to respect and love. Understand that it is hard to start with yourself.
Sometimes strikes that modern unrecognized geniuses do not know how to sing, draw, directing, play ... Just like in winged expression. Neither steal nor pokaraulit'. A shame. Some artisans remained. But where are the real creators and rulers of doom. By the way, these are the Lords of doom, can all my life to live in his Cabinet and the Duma think. And society, in theory should feed them, but ...
When hard times come. They must submit their voice and to say that the company itself, in which direction it go and grow. Have you heard the voice of those, well that Lords of doom?! Here's what the f! After the speech of Konstantin Raikin, zaburlilo in sewer pipes of Russian cultural space. Especially in social networks went debate which in fact was ...
Correctly. What who budget, and most importantly what they have, and ... And again, you guessed it. Who can be called a lizobljudom, which helpfully looks mouth power. As always, opinions were divided on this issue. But there was also something that was contagious. They all scream that, honest, talented and incorruptible, prevents do censorship. Though not cited any fact, when power was insisting on anything or prohibited thereby creators. Well, idiots! Power, not before them! Her main to pursue love. Time to skomunizdit' that failed predecessors. Whew! This is important.
The sad picture that here and talk. Oh, by the way. As reported on the website of the Ministry of culture of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, at the end of October a meeting, and the meeting closed, manuals and General Director of the Ministry, Satyricon, Anatoly Poljankina. So, at this very meeting, agreement was reached on the allocation of financial assistance by the year 2017. So, no wonder Konstantin raikin, raised the issue of censorship. So what!
Here recently, another momentik is drawn. Remember Natalia Poklonskuju?! The ex-prosecutor, is now a Deputy in the State Duma. This are the woman and a great Russian Patriot, sent the Deputy's inquiry has one big Patriot, which certainly is Prosecutor General of RUSSIA Yury Chaika. What's the deal?! So, I am nothing. Check out the movie of Alexis teacher, Mathilde. Well, the type of the public is outraged. In fairness, I should like to say that ... The film itself is not yet released and has not been seen since. Premiere is assigned, if not mistaken for the month of March of the year 2017. Roughly as before. Not seen, but already condemn. Beautifully!
As explained by itself, it does not Poklonskaya became prohibits showing any films. What you, what a speech! Just as people turned to the Deputy. And this is a collective appeal. It citizens complain that this film offends their religious feelings. Poklonskaya became draws our attention to the ... It turns out, the reaction of people is already Bell that something there isn't, apparently. In doing so, it reminds everyone who forgot that Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich, is a Holy Martyr, officially canonized by the Church. Recalls, and expresses the hope that the Director hears people's opinion. Good job!!! Bravo!
There is a clear vreditel'skaja activities directed by Alexey Teachers to undermine the spirituality, but ... At the same time, in August, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev congratulated people's artist of Russia Alexey teacher with 65 anniversary. And everything would be nothing. Many greet. But Dmitry Medvedev noted the sincerity of his films. In a congratulatory telegram said:
"A wonderful Director, creative and diverse people. You have a rare gift to create a special cinema-realistic and entertaining, profound and philosophical, good and touching. Documentary and play your movies is a sincere conversation about life, love and friendship. "
So it turns out, the movie, by the way removable budgetary money, no one has seen, and everything has been going through and condemn. What movie?! The horror! On the difficult relations of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the famous ballerina Mathilde Kschessinskaya. Well, the type they have there was sex and all that ... That's worried Orthodox Patriots, how would what didn't work. They are always worried. Although ... I advise you to watch the video. Take a close look. Remember the song, what begins motherland, ... Invite you to a new, Orthodox Edition of the famous song. It's beyond. This again ... Yes, show-off, they birthmarks.
That's all that I wanted to say about the artists and the arts.
The author would appreciate comments.
Author Gorg 2016 year November