FAG in the best sense of the word.
Dear Friends! Today we are completing a small talk on the subject. For the followers, I advise you to start with political correctness. Tolerance. Indifference or the last refuge of idiots and scoundrels.The first part ofpolitical correctness and tolerance. Indifference or the last refuge of idiots and scoundrels.Part two, and for the rest I will continue.
So the challenge before us is to legalize a fag and in the long term to do so, that would be a fag by ordinary people. But that's how we would not limit, so as a bonus let's take a situation where fag, in the best sense of the Word will become the head of one of the States.
Where to start? Elementary. The main thing is not to gloss over the existence of a fag, and aggressive and nahrapisto make to society, news, that are in this society is. So who will resent what we say on this abominable subject, gag, gag, about freedom of speech. To listen yet gullible citizens? Correctly. The gentlemen scholars. They will bring to our, and, as such, Nuggets, you can easily find unrecognized genius.
What's next? Wait A Minute. And then, with the help of these representatives of the advanced detachment of the ingenious idiots, we organize a conference or a roundtable where they tell humanity that FAG retarded were among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Will argue about small, insignificant details, but in General, there will be a red thread that FAG were at all times. In the first stage, the more such round tables and conferences, the better.
Naturally, after such scientific studies, the media will not be able to stay on the sidelines. Begins a PR, these same scientists, conferences and round tables. Numerous interviews with unacknowledged geniuses. It would be good to connect the archaeologists. The more so that they have enough brilliant idiots.
Shove them during excavations of centuries of burial, details, showing that their ancestors were FAG in the best sense of the word. Ancient manuscript really would. It is desirable to examine in any known heart. While the announcement of examination results, all kinds of intriguing statements of famous idiots.
The first step is made, and the society was voiced by theme, albeit a fag and mouths. Times we all live in the age of digital technology and social networks, they can and should be, a society a fag or register the party, and if society and the party will consist of one single member, then it's okay, chicken by zërnyšku bites. Evil and misfortune. The President, he was the only member of the party should be required to make a statement to the press, so it was an excuse to interview him.
What we have. Scientists continue to scientific debates, these geniuses don't stop even under the threat of being shot. They felt its relevance in meeting the global challenges of society. The media are full of shocking and an engaging headline. Information noise does not forget the citizens about the existence of the topic of a FAG. Voices of adequate citizens shut down in the bud, as suppressed enemy radio stations are not so distant Soviet times. This is how you have to be a hypocrite, if you have a society oppressed all fag, refuse to discuss the subject.
You say that the word FAG sounds rude and not European? Agree. Will pick up more harmonious name. Èdorasty. What is modern and beautiful, especially if you speak with the famous French prononsom. We did the main thing now is not the fag fag, and real èdorasty. Those citizens who have the old fashioned way is to call a spade a spade, obvinim that they actually are latent èdorastami.
Of course, there will be people who, by their observation notice rifmuemost′ of both words. And you know, they'll be right. It's okay, let's replace the word èdorast, for even more harmonious. Vol′demaristy. Here is no longer priderëš′sâ. Classic. Vol′demarist and vol′demaristy. Now, it is already possible to all corners of society has to be a factor, as vol′demaristy and vol′demarizm. It is not the nasty fag, and ordinary citizens, but only with their great ideas. Cool? Next will be even steeper.
Who says that for this very vol′demarizm, establishes criminal article? Cavemen. Did you know that so many famous and well-known people in the past have been committed to this course? Do you know how many benefits brought the most famous vol′demaristy society? And you know how much they are masterpieces created? You know what they were brilliant military leaders? Do you know how many battles they won? And, of course, rattling off names, names, dates, ...
And that, the heirs and successors of such great vol′demaristov give to justice? The Middle Ages. Obscurantism. The Ugliness. Immediately cancel the criminal prosecution, we are civilized people, not savages with no Islands. Said, done. Another step forward. Strongly mussiruem in the media thought that the vol′demaristy, they are just people like you and me.
They are not to blame, that such are born. That vol′demarizm built in to human nature. That they do not get in the way. That free people choose with whom to sleep and someone to love. Society should not interfere with the people express their preferences. Is there any damage to the rest of society from that close, friendly family of citizens live and benefit the fluffy vol′demaristy.
All statements are left proper citizens of the moral values of vol′demarizma, tušuemsâ, and give a clear and direct answer. Yes, every family has its black sheep. There are vol′demaristov among the scum and filth, but lacking everywhere. And a podonku-vol′demaristu should not judge all members of that class. Must be stydit′ such critics and don't be afraid to hang on them extremist labels. As always , there are peoplewho in their hearts will argue that vol′demaristov must be burnt in gas furnaces.
Such statements cannot be ignored and need to be replicated. At this stage should be cultivated in the society thought that poor and oppressed in every way vol′demaristov and fluffy and oppressed. It is known that oppressed and downtrodden in society like, and always stand up to defend them. So much so that it now is not about pidorah in the best sense of the word, and the vol′demaristah.
The next phase will begin a massive promotion of vol′demaristov. Television, theatre, show business, literature, and cinema. We break the mask. It turns out the famous presenter is vol′demaristom, not less famous actor also belongs to this glorious cohort of brilliant people. Along the way be sure to remember that totalitarian regimes fluffy vol′demaristy destroyed, field references, gnobilis′. It is necessary to conduct similar to religious denominations, which are also subjected to harassment and persecution.
Remember how we carefully removed the vol′demaristov from the prosecution. Now is the time at the legislative level to consolidate their right, they seem to be okay, but better still, add in all the laws that they are an integral part of society and pursue them is strictly forbidden, although no brainer, who it should be, what would their haunt. Well, that's a no brainer, but many know why enshrine rights that so they have as normal citizens.
The ordinary citizens, and the progressive vol′demaristy that said, experience the difference. And only then the rest comes, why it took the codification of the rights. This is a very powerful lever in attack on adequate citizens. Many have long understood that if provorovavšegosâ Tycoon being imprisoned, he of the vorûgi automatically becomes a political prisoner and victim of the bloody regime.
Same here. You just try to put in place of the former pidora, now vol′demarista, protolknutyj comes into effect as of law. Vol′demarista was fired for poor performance. Everything. Ink light and drain off the water. It automatically from the tuneyadtsa and lodyrâ becomes a victim. At all angles would be screaming that he was fired because he vol′demarist.
Now we can go into politics and to be eligible for election to various bodies. And let them try cave people not vote for these candidates. It's okay, we'll work with the electorate and will hold a second vote. Vol′demarist in power, it means that soon there will be other colleagues. He will not deny his friendly assistance.
And now about the apparent now that incredible event which I outlined as a bonus. Now it no longer seem so incredible. If in power very much vol′demaristov, then naturally there will come a time when they have been from the presidential candidate. And in which country this landmark event will happen is irrelevant. Importantly set a precedent, and there the process will go.
This will have to end our conversation on this topic. If anyone thought over the question, whether already harmless vol′demaristy, they are in the best sense of the word, I will take it that I've completed my task.
I would appreciate comments.
Do not say goodbye. Take care of yourself.
By Gorg February 2014 year