On one of interesting resources has encountered the comment. I shall say honourly, he has shaken me. It would seem on the first sight a triviality. Whether it is necessary to write about it. Not a triviality. To write costs(stands). Подробнее...
On one of interesting resources has encountered the comment. I shall say honourly, he has shaken me. It would seem on the first sight a triviality. Whether it is necessary to write about it. Not a triviality. To write costs(stands). Подробнее...
I stood in dean's office and is amplified(strengthened) strained brains. After yesterday's, it was by very hard employment(occupation). Beer was much. But it was not пьянка. Пьянка it when without a fish. Подробнее...
In the first part of clause, I promised to tell, that was after the termination(ending) this, fight,. What was then? Has returned to a hostel, all such beautiful, similar is more on китайца. Подробнее...
Our conversation, I want to begin from one history, which has taken place many years back, per student's years. Why? Now will understand. And the business was so ….To prepare food, we liked. Подробнее...
I hurry to finish up to yours сведенья expensive(dear) the reader, that the progress to us has come всерьёз and for a long time. If who thought, that us passes чаша сия, he deeply was mistaken. The fruits of this progress are visible everywhere. Подробнее...
Мишка died. To me his(its) eyes till now are remembered. In them was so much only. A pain, hopelessness, detachment, calmness. Much that was. But it not main.Main was, that Мишка died, and I by nothing could to him help. Подробнее...
Generation геймеров. Who they? Why I have decided(solved) about them to write. It is the people,Which already have finished to study in high schools, those who already finishes. Those who has come orComes to supervise over us. What in it bad? Подробнее...
For those who does not know, or has forgotten, I shall say, that Л.И.Брежнев, was the chief,Our former state, USSR. Though, unless there is a state former. No,All of us, рожденные in USSR. And from this fact to not get to anywhere. Подробнее...
Did not think, that will come to mention, this sacred for each man a theme. In any country, on any continent, there are veterans of battle(dashing) actions. And attitude(relation)To them on the part of the state and population, any other business. Подробнее...
As is known, who does not want to feed own army, that early or late,Will feed another's. Gold words. Only at us, for some reason about them have forgotten. Or do(make)Kind, that do not remember. Подробнее...