Dear Friends! Today, we will try to wipe, Alexander, our, Solzhenitsyn. Stop wasting time on the let and the important, but no such global topics. Mr. Solzhenitsyn, correctly picked up the title for his landmark work. Подробнее...
Dear Friends! Today, we will try to wipe, Alexander, our, Solzhenitsyn. Stop wasting time on the let and the important, but no such global topics. Mr. Solzhenitsyn, correctly picked up the title for his landmark work. Подробнее...
Dear Friends!!! Today we'll talk about the economy and that is next to it. Why not?! Wilt fail to give their assessment of the current state of things?! Yes, we never once economists but nonetheless ... Подробнее...
Dear Friends!!! Well, not policy as a single man. There are many things that do not pay attention, but they do not become less relevant. Подробнее...
Dear Friends!!! In order to talk about the bright future that will be helpful to begin to talk about our dark past. Again, but one very good man like that said that only the future will show how dark it was our past ... Подробнее...
Dear Friends! Today it would be desirable to recollect those age-old times, when the grass was much more зеленее than now. When the sky was голубее, and water in ручьях and rivers was possible to drink such, that её not were afraid for своё health. Подробнее...
To write on this theme clause was going to for a long time, yes only hands did not reach. Visiting(attending) various resources, has noticed one law. We is accomplished we are not able to communicate and to argue. Подробнее...
As I ужу wrote in the first part, by the main task was to return to the guys to Moscow. The floor of business is made. In practice of me with pleasure got rid. For quiet job too is necessary to them quiet conditions. Подробнее...
During reorganization in one of the newspapers has read very interesting clause. The people are more senior, certainly remember, that В.И.Ленин, the leader of world(global) proletariat, very much liked субботники. Подробнее...
On open spaces of our immense Native land прокатилась a wave возмущений connected сносу of a memorial complex in next Georgia. Before all of us amicably were indignant with the similar attitude(relation) to monuments in Прибалтике. Подробнее...
Russia. A country town № N.Выборы in urban думу and elections of the chapter of administration. The victory was gained by(with) the representatives of Uniform Russia. Who would doubt. Anybody. Подробнее...