I stood in dean's office and is amplified(strengthened) strained brains. After yesterday's, it was by very hard employment(occupation). Beer was much. But it was not пьянка. Пьянка it when without a fish. And with a fish this very pleasant employment(occupation). Was solved the problem, where I shall set off on years(summer) practice. If it is honour to leave from Moscow it would not be desirable. Here there were friends, which will pass practice at our hostel. Fine repair, order in the case, moving acting. But most important. It is a lot of абитуриенток. So much girls will arrive to act, and me will not be.
Novorossisk. It was as a verdict. To argue was is useless. And to agree same. Want, do not want, and to go will come. Unique(sole) that I managed it,, to be ill, week. And угораздило me to get. I and ещ ё our five girls. They already were on a place. And at me вс ё as not at the people. Though and with delay, but has taken the ticket. Вс ё. Tomorrow meal. In the evening as it is necessary a banquet. The friends were already pleased, that one competitor in business охмуривания девчат, becomes less. After the first vivifying drinks of alcohol began to work, I have set speech. Прощальную. I do not know, that on me has found, but in the conclusion, I have promised soon to return.
And here, I already now do not remember who, has said only one short phrase. There is hot. Also was incurred(carried). Everyone began to give advice(councils) how to survive at such terrible heat.
Further, it is more. What that the light head has assumed what to go with шевелюрой on a head, is not absolutely comfortable. Here, on poorly(weak), it was offered to shave a head by the razor.
Is said, is made. Have fallen asleep under morning. When, having woken up, I have looked at myself in a mirror, it became terrible. Бритая a head, with set of cuts. The guys have said, that the cuts add мужественности in my shape. To argue I with them did not begin, and we began to be going to on station. Were going to not for long. Hour three. It was necessary допить stayed after yesterday's, and finally to say goodbye with with whom yesterday already said goodbye.
In the car I had a seat, when проводница already closed a door. For what I like плацкартные cars, so it for feeling коллективизма. All вс ё see. From collective nothing will hide. The night has passed quietly. Morning began to disturb rest the organized groups цыганок. The truth, our car they, for some reason passed very quickly. And no wonder. The picture was following(next). On the top shelf, the monster in майке and sports trousers laid. Completely bald, with numerous cuts on this bald head. Unshaven. Thanks to the daddy, but vegetation on a body at me impressing.
Add a thick circuit on a neck and large cross. The picture was supplemented by(with) a pack,, Беломора, laying near to me and татуировка on a shoulder. Видок was ещ ё that.
Novorossisk was not glad to my arrival. I reciprocated to him. It was necessary to come in Trust, to be noted, and then to go to a hostel to be arranged. My above described wardrobe was supplemented by(with) a black sports bag. The problems have arisen at once. Any of the taxi drivers did not want me to carry. All of them as on писаному answered, that excuse the brother, but we wait for the client. And and all at once. And so convincingly looked to me in eyes, that I was ready by him(it) to believe.
Has helped as always senior generation. The grandfather on стареньком a muscovite.
Were silent has seen. Has asked where to go. And quietly has said, that I would a seat. And here me осенило. It rescue from practice. If on me such reaction, it should be used. The plan has ripened instantly. I already represented the persons of the friends, when they will see me. I did not doubt of success.
The watchman on an input(entrance) in trust, categorically did not want me to let, and as last reason has hinted, that the militia at them comes on a call very quickly. To get inside it was possible only ambassador of a bell of the main engineer. The study of a management(manual) has liked me. Anything superfluous. The truth, secretary in reception what that frightened.
The main engineer obviously was not delighted to my arrival. The situation was aggravated by(with) that I have complained to him, is modest so. From behind such triviality, as дебош in a hostel to send so far from Moscow on practice, at least, it is not good.
I see, he absolutely has become gloomy. And here, course конём. I to him began to speak, what not all people such hard. It is a lot of the good people. The wife lays at me sick, requires(demands) a constant leaving(care), and I in practice. I feel, the man became оживать. Also what to not go around yes about, I spread to him my request. Вс ё will not be equal from me to sense. The situation with the wife very strongly has loosened my nervous system. I became quick-tempered and aggressive. Whether it is impossible to go to me towards. I leave the documents to our girls. When will be finished, practice them проштампуют and пропечатают, and the girls will bring them in institute. I have given him hope. For the sake of preservation about on the object, entrusted to him, he to huge my pleasure has agreed. A victory. In Moscow.
That was, I am farther I shall write in the following part.
For now вс ё.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
The author Gorg. March 2010 of.