At the request of the distinguished academician S.A.A. (under discussion)
Dear Friends! Here is the long-cherished dream come true. Had long wanted to write about our native, Russian industry, which, if we do not lie, slowly and confidently selected from the crisis. And don't just write and use their observation of the fate of one city-forming enterprise, which still remained at the Russian expanses.
The start was here and herefor some time refrained from texts on this subject. There are cases where or good or anything, without panic, the company Alcoa still alive, what it will be. ... How would it say, not using the obscennuû language. And then you start to write, diligently go through choosing the words and in thoughts of what is popularly called the three floor mat. Well, the company Alcoa decided to make the foot. No, not from Russia, previously has not come, to the delight of the Patriots and affiliated to them. The company decided to make the legs of White Kalitva.
And because no sooner has disappear petrikor, with long-suffering and waiting for the owner of the land. Not yet another chasm phosphenes with eye sockets greeters American company in Rostov. And to you glad tidings! And maybe not good to assume, if you take a buyer, for example. The Americans leave. A particularly clever said that did not go off and run, as Napoleon had escaped from Russia. On the question and here Napoleon, pointedly smiled, but refused to disclose the secret of semantic.
The team is actually divided in two. You know, I was already quite a long time to live. Can not believe it, but I even captured the era of General Secretaries of the Communist Party. And had never met the band, which like everything. This is apparently a tradition this is since ancient times. If there is a collective, it necessarily is divided in two. But this is an exception.
It is commonly divided into three, and if our people will then divide and into four parts. And each opinion. And the only correct. And if someone does not agree, then the fact should definitely give the eye. Remember the course of history, as in the old discussion? Correctly, even very democratic, wall to wall. In our case, to battering is not reached, but the discussions were very even.
Well as in the State Duma of the first convocation. Or they had, as we have. Well, it doesn't matter. What is important is that one part of the team, considered the years of Americans at our enterprise the most bright days in the history of the company. Another part felt that more shameful page in the history of our enterprise has not been since the escape of Napoleon from Russia. Honestly, this Napoleon I was starting to annoy in each barrel plug, and at every wedding groom. Frenchman khrenov.
I personally remember sandwiches at presentations, plastic glasses, earplugs in your ears and squeeze remaining employees shares. Moreover, the impression that the Division of securities very even well adjusted the personal welfare in close cooperation with the Moscow Office of the company, and those in turn. And scary to think that those in turn. But the fact is, had the place to be.
Type your shares, of course. But we are sure you will buy, even if you disagree with our price. Economy, what you say here. And purchased, on low price than left on itself kind memory. Both left good memories about himself on the Russian land. So, stop, no word on French.
Riddle, huh?! Nobody voluntarily agreed to the stated price. But no one discussed the terms of sale. A shares redeemed as a result of financial combinations, or fraud, or a combination of factors. This is at least a Nobel Prize. Interestingly, received or not. If received, the claim to be part of. Sincerely deserved because I believed that the campaign went to a good cause and for honest people. And if you got and had been parked for offshores. In this case, if you see them, then you can safely give the eye. Say from me. No, from me and grateful donors. They will understand.
Rumors that the company buys the Russian company Linehan, started from October 2014 years. And one rumor, scarier another. Leadership, rounding the eyes respond to all questions as guerrillas during the interrogation by the Gestapo. And maybe not guerrillas, but maybe not by the Gestapo. Maybe, those generally did not meet, as silent as a fish.
With the Bolshevik bluntness and liberal idealism, leadership has said that the information on this account no. Or rather, maybe it is, but somewhere and someone. But here, it is not in principle. No, not at all. This fact, of course, contributed to an atmosphere of understanding between the elites and Nizami. Not that are not helped, they just took place in parallel planes of our being.
But our people, not chaff provedëš′. Silent, hide ... So there is something to hide. Means is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Or may not at first glance. May the second. But those who had the appropriate skills, climbed to the World Wide Web. Veliko belief people out there that you can find the answer to any question. True evil tongues say that is a lie, but they and the evil tongues.
And the World Wide Web is uniquely given to understand that the Americans are selling factory and redeem it, really met the Russian company Linehan. And here was the first ambush. If the leadership does not have access to the World Wide Web, then it's weak leadership. And if there is, then there may not be aware of the information publicly available, this is not the Pentagon's server crack. But if it knows and is silent, then a double-edged sword. Well, that is one stick, and she has two ends. Not to be confused with scissors, those there are two rings and in the middle of carnations. This is important.
People increasingly bothered question material, guided with self-seeking. Whether Americans bear, well that is a banquet, sandwiches, juice, whiskey, vodka, or the same as the true representatives of capitalism, as gentlemen, simply serves the meadow and quietly so, make legs. Do non-drinking, had agreed to a banquet without alcohol, but necessarily with sandwiches, juices, cakes and small containers, so that could be a couple of cakes bring particular ideological , agreed to a minimum. The general meeting, without alcohol and snacks. An introductory Word. The outcome of the work. Farewell to the team. Presentation of diplomas for workers loyal to the ideas of Alcoa and handing out inscribed chips, which still remain on the balance sheet.
When the team finally understood what the deal of the century, it was understandable for such cases of prostration, lightly flavored with pride. Slightly sglaživalo the situation is the fact that this pride was based on their own research in the World Wide Web. Can when we want! Themselves without prompting and assistance of superior mates.
Confused, the truth is one thing. The potential buyer, the share capital amounted to just 10 thousand rubles. New, not starorežimnyh, and Russian full rubles. Particularly literate soothed colleagues that it is especially our economy. Well, the type of couple guys gathered allowed cap on a circle, and who can, to a very important cause. Namely, the case of the revival of Russian industry, porušennoj cursed American capitalists.
Waiting time flew by unnoticed. On a piece of the calendar was April 1. Here, I wonder who decided to coincide with such a landmark event for the day of laughter. Here's what's in it for the manager who is invited. This award clearly pulls. Or on the order of the date of any importance. Brilliant! You'll laugh, but on this day, it was announced that the new team boss. And maybe not the owner, and the owner, and maybe not new.
You know, the pessimists were right once again. No Banquet, no alcohol with a meal, or even just meeting. Americans once again demonstrated the inherent all capitalists greed and gone through the emergency exit. Without saying goodbye. Just sent out to everyone, well this is in the spirit of the time, an e-mail message, that type of thank you and wish you success. It happened like that ugly.
Well, okay, those who have the ability to read emails, those read. Read and regretted that they could not commit an act of defenestration of Prague in relation to the former owners. But what about those who are not aware of the existence of the e-mail, as a means of communication. These, second, terrible offended and swelled the ranks of the enemies of capitalism and imperialism.
That's what most wants the working class, the hegemon, if for starorežimnomu? None of the sociologist and economist you won't tell. They do not say, and I tell you. Hegemon wants certainty and stability. The main question in still existed at that time, smoking areas, was one. When a team sees new leadership? When it turn to the collective, looking eye to eye? When you can be so simple, work, approach the new Director and shake hands. And not just shake and say kind parting words on his difficult assignment.
Speaking of smoking areas. About them later. This is important. Yet it is important. Perhaps even true. If anyone doesn't know, but each enterprise, and it is tradition there is a special category of the administrative apparatus. This is, as you guessed it brilliant managers who very successfully working tirelessly on all sorts of levels. At each change of leadership, these comrades, collectively begin to experience management kollivubl. Not to be confused with the ordinary meaning of the word. This is important. Well this is bearish type of illness, if not clear value in words.
Most of these managers are very fond of semantically loaded brain team. And everyone suffers. The team, which distract from the work. The leaders, who instead of being forced to listen to their lead. And the carriers themselves Breda, because nobody really did not understand what actually is.
In full growth, the question of special clothes. May, who knows, but workers at the plant are dressed in special outfits. It's a fact. So here. The American company zabodaj its mosquito, in his time, of course, has been extremely wasteful and recklessly. Can profit you've turned your head may yet which fact. The company began to overspend, as in the past, a Russian merchant after the fair. Ordered special clothing, vests, jerseys, helmets with the obligatory presence of the add-on items labels chevrons with company logo. Well, the type that everyone saw that we belong to a very reputable company.
And so, imagine. Americans no longer exists, and the symbolism of their company continues to please the eyes of the supporters of a market economy. The horror! Nightmare! And that this fact will tell you, and most importantly, as the new regime will react. The logic of things suggests that the response will clearly not positive. What do I do?! Purchasing new special outfits, with the new symbols?! But it costs, reduce that simply must successful managers of any level.
And exit was found. everything turned out just like all brilliant. All campaigning, which had the least little hint on Alcoa , was mercilessly removed and destroyed, or colored, remaining from Americans coat of paint the entire symbolism of the special clothes. How would it more gently say. Well, let's just say, this important issue management delegated to the staff. There is such a tradition. All important issues. delegate
If everything is successful, then this is the Guide. If you fail, then the team has once again shown its failure. Dialectic, zabodaj its mosquito. Type, you are there, look. And the team took up the challenge. Who belittle paint who taking a sharp knife, sparyval chevrons with jackets and t-shirts. This process really rallied the team and enriched the skills that might come in handy in the future. And may not be useful.
Particularly witty even joked. That first began to chip away at American symbols of those who at one time was among the first to apply. Oil painting! This is a must see! Honestly, as soldiers in the army before taking the captured thwart shoulder straps. RIP it certainly can be, but all the idiocy that new characters are not delivered. May, suppliers are to blame, and maybe nevinovaty they do, history is silent.
By the way, mind if you felt that I don't like managers. That you, as you can. Love. Even very much. They are the same as children small, how can they be not love. Manager, he's making?! Correctly. Directs! In General, particularly his not interested. He is given a landmark, and it is to him, despite the fact that anything not specifically versed in principle. The main thing in this work, less distracting Guide, and everything will be fine. Or won't. Or perhaps it will be good.
He said he did. If we failed, if there is no result, then you should not be in principle. Mean baseline data were not correct. And data and the goal gave him, and indicated the direction. Importantly, what?! Work on process and will succeed. Of course the result is important, but it is secondary. If no result, so that does not work?! And here, too, looking at some coordinate system, see. So look, there really isn't a result. And if you look from a different angle, you see, and quarterly prize looms in your pocket.
On the horizon of the enterprise, even the shadow of a new leadership not flashed, even more Americans will not put the latest signature on documents about the sale, but these talented managers entirely immersed in work. With them, it happens. Truth is rarely, but it happens. Here's what it means to work on ahead of the curve. Type a new guide. Start staffing rehash will start different uncomfortable questions to ask, and we, all, friendly team have been fruitfully working. Talented managers, they are talented in everything.
Inventing gunpowder, they fortunately had not. Him if historians do not lie, invented by the Chinese in the distant past. It was necessary to come up with such an occupation, such work, so as to halt all talks about its irrelevance in the new conditions. At the same time, work should be simple and not idiotic. At the same time, it must be global and have a vision for improving and refining. You won't believe, but managers have successfully coped with this at first glance intractable problem. Have the confidence that if they priprët and Poincare theorem prove true it if the press we are not lying, Grisha Perelman has proven some time ago.
Won't you simmer, will reveal all cards, even the Joker from the sleeve going. Managers, by logical manipulations, all weighing only came to the right conclusion. In the enterprise, as it turned out, everything is normal, everything is good. There was one plot, or front, you want to throw all their powerful forces. And this front. .. Anti-smoking! The truth is, again, evil tongues say that role, here played one not unimportant factor. In May and had not validated data, the new head of the company does not smoke. Here's where as the saying goes, the dog is buried.
Naturally, everything is done for people and for the sake of man. Prohibit smoking in production shops. In as! All disgruntled send ... No, not at all known direction, and to relevant federal law. The band used to and not to such innovations, tried to delay time. That you, I beseech you, the Administration found the will and the great desire in order to familiarize even non-smokers with the appropriate order and under painting.
All the enterprise beyond the law! Alarming truth one fact. At the country level, the Act to which they refer hard-core smokers, by pure chance, or due to the machinations of enemies without actually works. Well, it just happened. There's still many laws don't work. The tradition of such legislators. Take many important laws, and their vision is right, and they do not withstand a collision with a harsh Russian reality. It happens. Possible, and earn. Themselves. And it happens.
Here's an interesting, though. How long does tobacco control activists have spent on this discussion and the modalities for its implementation. Here is the truth, no nonsense. Half an hour, an hour, or maybe all day sat and discussed, sometimes going out for a smoke break. Imagine, even today it can be, and at times even need to sit in the smoking section, which was then still in the shop, and relieve mental stress, to a multiyear average cigarette. Today it can be, and is not, under any pretext.
I would like to think and believe that any logic in making such a decision, is the place to be. Perhaps it is not visible to the unaided eye. Perhaps a guide took it, drawing on all its experience, wisdom. It is possible that even were calculated all the pluses and minuses, although this tradition yet. It is possible that again, although this has yet to be confirmed by practice, leadership suffers from soul on the morale in the team. I believe. With difficulty, but I believe. Although the risk that formed the order of people really sick soul. Moreover, in the literal sense of these words. Although it is not a fact, but the fear is there.
There is another possible explanation, actions of opponents of smoking. It is unlikely, but nonetheless. Centuries-old experience proved an indisputable fact. People, over time, for various reasons, ties with vices and begins to engage with them uncompromisingly. It's a fact. It is possible that the contemplation of smokers causes quite the natural physical and mental pain. Type, I don't smoke, quit. And these smoke and get even questionable, but fun. Here, horseradish, dear smokers! I don't smoke and you throw. Possible and such, but reliable data on this yet. But it is yet.
Perhaps a more in-depth calculation than it seems at first glance to smokers. Here is the answer. How you can make a happy smoker? No, it's not cigarettes on sale for a ridiculous price. No, not universal Kudos and respect. No, not the establishment of Honorary mark, as donors. Everything is pretty easy, as all brilliant. It is necessary to take away the possibility of, quietly made this malady. And then, when it will fall spirit and will experience discomfort, take and return everything to normal. And smoker will be happy as an elephant. And no matter what in cigarettes nicotine, a drop which if we do not lie specialists, kills the horse.
And hear the voices from the audience, paid agents. No, not the u.s. State Department, and talented managers. Type, well than smokers. It is not just about health, but also the culture of production. There is nothing to hold the dump of steers on job sites. And rightly so! Agree! But then ... If we assume that each employee sits inside the ham and svintus. Even on the basis of this logic, the toilets at the enterprise are in walking distance. And absolutely no concern that workers will be shitting beside workstations. No, you gotta go, go to the toilet, as it doesn't seem strange. Although, admittedly, that this collective exception to the rule.
That still delights and optimism? Know yet, you can get out of the shop on the street, two hundred meters walk to my dress and have a smoke. Perhaps even smoke it. If it was felt that by smoking, refers to a specially equipped place, then it is fallacious. No, it is habitual. By him, the team passed on a daily basis. And did not know that this place is destined to become a kurilkami. It happens.
Apparently, in this case used the ancient town planning method. Earlier, as enemies, as defended by the city? Right, with all four sides were gates for entry. And in our case. All four designated smoking area located on all four sides of the huge production building. And that all logical and in keeping with the ancient tradition of urban planning. So to speak, the precepts of ancestors are true.
The production team, or rather, smoking his part, still amazing people. Realizing that space for a quiet life was narrow, the hegemon no panics. And not just in a panic, he and empties into a stupor. People who sincerely worry about the EU. People sincerely and with great warmth remembers mother b. Obama. People sincerely wish p. Poroshenko, eat candy once your own brand. Such smokers, with active vital position not defeat anyone.
It is ironic, but the fact remains that. Talented managers, instead of engaging in deeds, well, type improve, enhance, improve, will spend their time and strength to fight with smokers. Brilliant! Smoking ban in production shops, this is the most significant enlargement of the Meadow for managers. True collective fears that the hunt for smokers will send the best. More than just a concern that such hunting permits, managers will be perceived as a kind of reward for good work.
Catch is where it is comfortable and where there is a high probability to find a smoker. But not everything is so easy. Rather, it is not quite easy as it seems at first glance. And what if hypothetically, the Manager does not detect the wrongdoing while on patrol. No, sometimes on the hunt. Taken shotgun ammo, appetizer ... And Hunter returns home without extraction. What then do the Manager?! You won't believe this, but ...
They have called the Joker up his sleeve! And the Joker with his bare hands, do not take it. Nothing in fact does not prevent, take cigarette butts and put them in the absence of prying eyes in the right place. And if another photograph of a violation, a small provocation, this fact becomes a blatant violation of cultural production. What?! Nonsense?! Don't tell.
Everyone knows that law enforcement agencies practice tossing drugs during detention, with all the ensuing consequences. With all that being said, everyone thinks the police people intellectually inferior and obremenënnymi intelligence. Then why do you think that the managers of these stupid police?! More stupid it turns out already. No, our managers, they are all managers of such managers, that Daddy don't cry. You want good performance, or rather good, resonant and not invent anything.
Naturally not avoid various kinds of guidance to line managers, it and the grandparents don't go. With every position Manager, leadership will respond severely and adequately. The truth is, for already established in the country, with a tinge of skewness. That is not to punish smokers don't put place and not spreading butts where you can and where it is impossible, and line managers.
It may appear that smokers in the enterprise is very evil and devious people. Well, the type of American imperialists, zabodaj their mosquito. No, of course not. They espouse the principles of pluralism and tolerance advocates in some way. They agree even to the great purge their ranks. Well, not so extensive as in 1937, but nonetheless.
Smokers are willing to do a lot. If anyone is spotted smoke outside kurilok, provided the return thereof in the workplace, and even more so in spreading butts, ... To beat such a great many agree, and beat badly, and perhaps even kicking. If it is necessary, that is, views on the advisability of working patrol, one of the most conscious smokers. Were in fact at one time warriors who fought with the rowdies and hooligans on our streets. Smokers, the bulk of even agree that such patrols, headed the truth purely nominal, anyone from managers.
Imagine working shift lasts 8:0, this in most cases. And whether we like it or not, but ... At this time the employee must quit. Throw? No, I will try to nakurit′sâ it. Moreover, before work, during work and after work. Become a good tradition, guerrilla raids in proper places for smoking, and very distant from the main guerrilla base.
On the road in a smoking room and back will be lively discussion, using profanity, with line managers. Moreover, line managers, essentially because there is nothing to focus on, how to track the movement of these so called partisans. Indeed, thanks to the efforts of talented managers, all problems have been solved at the enterprise. Who would doubt!
Hiking, or deep raids to kurilkam will not be able to go undetected by management. They have this fact, and quite rightly, will be taken as a personal insult and undermine the entire vertical leadership that exists in the enterprise. As a result of all these, surely the necessary processes for the enterprise, working shift fly fun and almost imperceptibly. Doctors will be satisfied, as a result of such processes, significantly strengthening the nervous system. This, of course, will contribute to a positive climate in the workplace.
No, if the aim is to make smokers feel shit, among the glorious collective non-smokers, ... The task is almost complete, and the execution is emulated. It must be harnessed in order to introduce our experience in other companies. Be proud, be proud. The truth is confused by one thing. What?! Elementary gentlemen and colleagues!
Omission, or rather as classic, shotgun hanging on the wall, that simply would be obliged to shoot, with all the goodness of intentions. Winter. Yes, the same mean winter, which, as we know, always comes suddenly. It's in the distant and mysterious India there are yoga, which can in the cold, the heat of his body dry wet sheet and do not catch cold. No, and we have a true practicing yoga while on the amateur level, unfortunately.
How to smoke outside in winter, which in our climatic zone lasts one month. Even that question! It is believed, to organize working group of managers, to monitor the number of sick leaves. And let them show the relationship between these facts, preferably with charts, diagrams. Managers are very fond of such routine work, away from the hustle of the production process.
Admit that to organize a full-fledged smoking zone in industrial buildings, it's the top of frivolity and extravagance. While in many European countries, is practiced. But that us Europe! It has circle FAG they we not decree, if that. Although, if not lie, evil tongues and our unavožennoj Russian soil, FAG, in the best sense of the Word are available. But this is by the way. The main thing after all, understand that there is a fag, just as there are in the best sense of the word. Cannot but delight in the fact that the first, while much smaller than the second, although there is a tendency to eliminate such disparities. This is important.
Importantly, as unforgettable Mikhail Gorbachev, and the process will begin. And I believe him. And apparently, talented managers familiar with his statements. Not guessed?! Elementary! If we fight, on all fronts, using all available means to suppress the enemy. Successfully starting the fight against smoking, was not forgotten and such a shameful phenomenon in the life of our quite successful enterprise, which certainly is drunkenness.
Not that it took we have rampant. No, what you are! Just another order was issued, which is strictly forbidden recalled already in the end to nothing does not understand the collective that alcoholism is declared. Not life and death. You'd think that before the whole team went to work while intoxicated. No, if such sporadic and were then with alcoholics said goodbye without regret. Then why take it all collective potential drunks? How, why. And combat simulation for improvement and perfection. Forgot?! It is the same.
But there is still cause for optimism! Yet, there are. Believe me, it is still not as bad as it seems at first glance. For a long time or not, but the team remains the last joy in life. Sex! Yes, that's it, guide and normalizing the overall condition of each individual organism. Here in fact, that's probably the case. I don't smoke myself, let the other do not smoke. I don't drink myself, let the other do not drink. But that's as far as sex, apparently the managers do not have reliable information yet, as this includes the new leadership. So far, no information. These's secrets, even from the safes of the CIA, if need be.
Is there a way out of this conflict is not simple? Of course, there is always a way out. Often it is the same place where and the entrance. Agree that it is somewhat difficult to understand, but there is an incentive for personal growth. You just come back to remember that traditionally, there are three options of our relationship to idiocy.
This, of course, complete and comprehensive support any endeavour. The second option, you can even argue that the option of an alternative, it is a categorical denial of any undertaking. Oh, and most common, a third option is when, guided by the wisdom of the ancestors, send all around the known direction. It certainly inspires confidence in their abilities, but can bring certain problems in the short term, despite the wisdom of the ancestors.
On this positive note I would like to finish our conversation, but ... All reputable media, like practicing the next party. Give the news, and then in the end give a footnote. Type of latter, here are literally just received the data, we have a completely fresh, just from the garden information. And you know, works! Type, they're well done, keep a finger on the pulse. And what are we worse?! Nothing!
So, here. According to recent reports, has not entirely reliable, but ... Talented managers take care of water saving in our company. If anyone knows, it will reveal a terrible secret. At each production, of which actually is our company, there are domestic premises. Workers there before changing masked special clothes and go to their jobs. Ibid., after the end of the work shift, they take water procedures, wash off with not only sweat and dirt, but also all the accumulated negative energy per shift.
Initiative managers, of course, is aimed at improving, enhancing, developing ... It is proposed to combine washing workers of different industries. Well, now all type wash separately. And what if, two men productions would bathe together. And women of these productions, the same would wash together with their colleagues. Even I don't want to think that there is a trend. What if management does not take water procedures separately, and the team had nothing to be separated from management. This is most likely caused by a cash economy. Type, combine the process of bathing and the remaining free premises just close.
May I say that it is possible to start with would be worth to conduct such an experiment. Each leader to hold talks with its neighbours on entrance for bathing together. Type all together, taking their bathrooms can, and use the savings for upgrading entrance. If the experiment proves its right to exist, then use all of the developments already in the enterprise. But it's not necessarily so, as an alternative.
In the meantime, we talked with you here ... Progress does not stand still and it doesn't stop. Talented managers are becoming more and more. Here's a recently passed information. New York Mayor Bill DeBlazio intends to prohibit residents smoke in their own homes.
Good job!!! No, twice as good! The next step I suggest to create a Commission that would identify the perpetrators. Then establish a Commission, which will oversee the first Commission, to identify abuse. And then establish a Commission, which will oversee the two commissions. And the process will be. Invite a delegation of our enterprise in the United States, to the Bill DeBlazio, zabodaj his mosquito, for Exchange of experience. Ready to join the delegation, representing the interests of smokers.
There is a reasonable question. What we have, with other Russian enterprises? Tell like it is. Sad. It's sad to see how in the absence of normal managers, they continue to work as usual. I don't want them to improve, improve, develop ... Take a look at these two pictures and užasnites′. Imagine Russian enterprises and ...
The horror! In the workshops, specially equipped designated smoking area! Immediately, you must assign our managers to correct the situation. If anything, the addresses are available on the World Wide Web.
That's all that I wanted to say.
The author would appreciate comments.
Author Gorg May 2015 year
(P) . S.
At the beginning of the year, had a very lively discussion with the distinguished academician S.A.A., and he asked to write material that is called from personal experience. The smartest people. He certainly knows about many things not by hearsay, and based on their personal experience. Apparently he just wanted say now synchronize watches. It is with great pleasure that responded to this request, even with the illusory hope of a bright future.