Метка: Russia
Dear Friends. Time, or rather the sweep of events with the speed of express trains. That day, for looming us prepares ...
Dear Friends! Sometimes it feels like, what would our desires coincide with our possibilities, but ... We are talking about wanting to write as much anymore, especially since so many interesting topics throws up life. But with opportunities ...
Dear Friends! Needless to say, his Majesty the dollar firmly entered the lives of many Russians. So firmly that the weather forecast modestly went by the wayside. These are the many Russians, cannot fathom the basic things.
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about pride for the country, and that the condition of Russian industry, in anticipation of a large ahtunga that is already almost came. So does the man he bread, give only to experience pride for that either.
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about ... Yes, it is about the war, if it can be called a war of compromising materials and about where it goes in the same threesome Rus managed dashing âmŝikom.
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about ... Yes, Eurovision is our everything. It's like a breath of fresh air in the Casemates of the national culture. Culture, which continues to perform its primary function to educate future generations.
Dear Friends! The event occurred in mid-April, and quite traditional, which in my opinion was not worthy of reflection in the media. Well, a little excited. Well, pozloslovili with sly smiles.
Dear Friends! Promises should be carried out. The last time yours truly promised to raise the issue of pensions and pension reform. Clumber and not question! And that very nicely skommunizdili money grandparents didn't say is that lazy ...
Dear Friends! For a long time was going to talk to you on a very interesting topic in my opinion. The hands are not reached, the event occurred, by which it was impossible to pass up.
Dear Friends! Well how can you pass up this theme! It's a song, not a theme! This is because as a Concerto for cello and Orchestra, composed entirely of Patriots fans and notorious počvennikov in the narrow circles of Mr Stolypin. So, let's start.
-Haim, Saročka for three years as she died, why aren't you married? -You know, I'm looking for a woman with asthma. – ? -After Saročki left so much medication. Dear Friends!
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about ... And what is there to say, probably will tell anyone of the readers. Well, sent a letter Mr Erdogan is a friend of another master-friend Putin. How many such letters were in the history of the world ...
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about love for the sport. Yes, that's exactly how I would put the question. But the Olympics and other sports, I would not put in the forefront. The love of the sport with all the ensuing consequences.
Dear Friends! Very rarely, but sometimes you want to reflect on education and culture of Russia. It is understandable that it is difficult to speculate about something that no longer exists, but nevertheless ...
Dear Friends! Interesting topics to talk very much. Only manage to bounce away from the shaft, which information falls upon us every second, but ... There are themes of not just interesting, but very interesting.
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