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How to get far. Agrarian masochism or another scam for idiots ...

Dear Friends! Well how can you pass up this theme! It's a song, not a theme! This is because as a Concerto for cello and Orchestra, composed entirely of Patriots fans and notorious počvennikov in the narrow circles of Mr Stolypin.

So, let's start. Native state, it always baked on the fate of the entrusted people. It is because the night never sleeps, it thinks how would people live better. It is already a tradition. Nights of no sleep and think about all the people. By the way, people may not respond to the State in return, well once it such nonsense. He just thinks like him survive. Can you imagine the State is making enormous efforts to improve the lives of the people and the nation, to the best of my ability and capacity strongly resisted. Paradox. Although, in fairness, we can say that our entire life consists of these paradoxes.

Don't believe me?! But in vain do not believe! I you are not cheated, and I'm not going to cheat. Remember after all the spectacular afёru with vouchers?! Still wouldn't remember. Then, because everyone, or almost everyone, promised property domestic passenger car whose name is directly associated with the great Russian River. But ... As usually happens in such cases, by tradition, native state again, sorry for being rude, and Naya. Lo population. People are already making plans about these cars, but there, times, and a complete bummer.

And like all nicely started! Remember?! Everyone, I repeat everyone, his father acquired a piece of property from the total pie. Leader of world proletariat promised land to peasants and factory workers. In our case, the workers got the prettiest pieces. What's next?! Good question. Further by the numerous clever combinations of these most beautiful pieces were in the hands of the dexterous honest citizens. And they got a good and popular pieces of property. But what people did not want to own, picked up and voluntarily sold the most worthy citizens of their homeland. Beautifully! This is important.

Now, the situation has changed fundamentally. Yes, before there had been abuses and errors, but ... Now dear audience, it honestly and transparently. Who Earth?! Yes, you read that right, a native State decided to distribute to anyone to one hectare of land. Imagine in Koi eyelids Lenin promise runs. And by whom? Not savages-the Bolsheviks, and the most that a civilized Russian Democrats. Hooray! No, three times-Cheers!

The truth is one thing. Well, as the moment. So, Kickshaw. Land handed out in the far East. It is about six and a half thousand miles away from the Russian capital. Imagine the immensity of expanses of native state?! Felt pride?! Well done! Yes, I realize that this is only one hectare of land one hundred and one hundred square meters. So what?! Free after all!

Serve the Lord potential farmers their bids and own health. Imagine the joy and the State. The World Wide Web to help you. Evil tongues say that in the first few days the number of lucky winners exceeded one thousand. And this is just the beginning! What?! This free donned a creative way to lure people in distant and forgotten by all edge?! Well, that's you! No, of course not. Just the territory of the far East. Understand, with an area of about six million square kilometers, there lives approximately six million people. Well, that is, the density of the population per square kilometer leaves much to be desired. Empty and abandoned millions of hectares. This is important.

What do I do?! Properly settle those lands. Followers of Mr Stolypin, offer a choice of Primorsky Krai, Yakutia, Amur Oblast, Magadan ... The first phase involved nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation. What?! As a truly revolutionary endeavour looks to the guarantor of the Russian Constitution? Very good looking. Support, though with some reservations.

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

Once promised, then be sure to talk with the Governors, but ... By tradition, as told in his time Chernomyrdin, want it better, and it turns out as always. So with one hundred percent probability it can be said that citizens will land on the settlements, where there are no roads, no electricity, no water. Everything, as Putin said. This is important.

Officials, and they are officials, warned that the land should not be idle. Type, you come, make from a fairy tale a true story. And if not, then five years give dirt in the ass ...

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

No, Mr. Galuška definitely right. We are dirt, and you we developed region. Well, then corporate dedicated to the successful completion of the project to develop the land. Well, there are different rewards officials, post ... It is commendable that the laurels of Pyotr Stolypin haunt contemporary creative managers from politics, only ...

Stolypin agrarian reform is a generic name for a wide range of activities in agriculture, organized by the Russian Government under the leadership of p. a. Stolypin, since year 1906. The basic directions of reform were the transfer of allotment land farmers, phasing out of rural communities as a collective owner of land, extensive lending to farmers buying landlords lands for resale to farmers at preferential conditions, land, thus optimizing the farm due to the Elimination of čerespolosicy.

Do not forget that the State has demonstrated unprecedented generosity. Everyone at that time was reserved about sixteen hectares of land. And Cossacks and officers and more. As they say, feel the difference. Do not forget that then the Government helped with the move. Even special wagons built. Remember after all expression, Stolypin's, cars?! So by hook or by crook, but at that time, within a few years were more than three million people. Feel the difference, but not only and sweep!

But let us return to our ... For clarity, all zatevaûŝejsâ OK, I suggest all traditionally simplified. Let's say there are an average citizen Smith. And here's that same Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, on heart and realizing for the native state, the necessity of settling the far East, decided to hang with familiar places.

Sat down at his laptop, went to the site and registered your free HA zemlicy. And then, in a way. Well there rydaûŝie relatives escorted at the station. No, songs with guitar accompaniment will not. This is the development of Virgin Lands, traveled and sang songs with the guitar. Now the guitar who can play what was left. All the players are listening. This is important.

And here it is, the far East! Clear field and romance in one bottle. Yes, you must in addition to romance just to survive. Suppose I say, suppose our Ivan Ivanovich ready for physical labor. Well hypothetically ready. To work from morning to evening, all days of the week. But as the same family must be fed, in order not to starve. Of course, evil tongues pose awkward questions. Type, so that the free hectare can be done ... Harmful issues.

No, I understand that one hectare is very little, but Ivan already has arrived, even the cat brought with him. You'll be surprised, but the choice is not particularly great. What to grow. Potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, Zucchini ... Maybe ladybugs, pigs, chickens, geese, ducks. Look how beautiful creative managers painted a picture of future well-being.

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

Almost a million roubles more and you are almost Strawberry Tycoon. Turns out to be strawberry, it is one of the most unpretentious of cultures. And what is interesting, deep professional knowledge not required, according to the business plan. They generally do not need anywhere now. In both! Don't want to grow strawberries?! Native state offers you grow goats.

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

The truth here need oh so creative managers figured, about three and a half million funds. Moreover, it is only the initial investment. And how many would need then?! Well, then, will then ... What?! Don't want to grow up goats?! But in vain. Here you queasy ... Then raise sheep. And that, very tasty lamb, and wool is the place to be.

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

Yes, I agree. In this case, you will need about five million rubles, but as the saying goes the game is worth the candle. So the choice is yours. Invest their money and enew your far eastern HA ...

But it is only at first glance simply. Buy seeds, fertilizers and machinery. Wouldn't be the same with his wife, Ivan Ivanovich handle dirt his shovel. And appliances this combustive-lubricating materials. This is the same it must buy for money.

But even if all of the above exercise. Suppose I say Let's say our Romance on this very hectare to grow vegetables. Suppose I say say, remaining from planting vegetables place running around pigs, cows, hens, ducks and gusočki ... Suppose I say Let's say part of all of this he will leave myself to eat well. And here's how to deal with surpluses? To whom, and most importantly how to sell. What carry excess in the city. Who will be lucky. See how many questions you receive. Although, in fairness, you must ask yourself before you decide to take this most free far East. This is important.

And I haven't said about building a House. Would not be the same family, Ivan Ivanovich live in a tent. I realize that romantic, but in the tent. Live in a tent, this is an extreme way to survival. Whether Ivan Ivanovich build House and while still engaged in farming. Yes and house building, you do not manage to steal the corn fields. This project is building materials. Try them just to deliver in this wilderness. Tell you a secret, requires knowledge. And if you invite builders, this is money you need. Don't forget about the furniture and a computer in the House. Yes, and even Pro diesel generator don't forget. This is important.

It turns out that there is no profit, but there are some costs. And yet the fact that a lot of money. By the way, do not forget that the native state, it always stands out, in the face of tax authorities. Can or can't, and thirteen per cent of their income must be given zero in bins of motherland. In relations with tax authorities have one point. Well, as the moment. So, nothing exists.

At the internal revenue service statistics. Well, that is, they operate on the average salary in the region. And if they see your income less this fact enters them into a stupor. So that it would be necessary to rewrite the Declaration. What?! Business loss? This can not be. You're guaranteed conversation in tax inspection for work on their mistakes.

No, I understand that there are idiots-romance, who knows a way out of the situation. Take loans, hire workers. Let them all do nicely and we are smart will sit on the internets there's different and write intelligent comments. So say news from fields. What you say here. Take the money you can, of course, but if they give ... What to give them, if there's no profit in sight.

By the way, I have not yet said what many prefer not to talk. Family. His wife and children. Well, tell me honestly, hand on heart, how many will suffer in such spartan conditions your better half ... Here's what the f! The more that you have to live in the absence of neighbors. And if Mishka kosolapy decides to visit you ... And if people will decide to go dashing you tea to drink. What?! Get guns?! The right decision. But this again only costs and ...

I'll tell you a secret, a firearm you so just don't get, and all sorts of travmatika and Pneumatics you especially won't help. Why ognestrelom will issue?! You see, the native state, or if you want a native power, very afraid of his armed people. No, really, not lying. It already you've figured it out, that meetings of the authorities with armed people, can be very interesting and informative. This is important.

Of course, this cunning plan concocted by very talented people. Still would, develop and colonize land at their own expense. After all, speech is not to give people plenty of land, money, free building materials. Raising his finger in the direction of the State tax service. Type, at least during the fifteen years to forget about our pioneers. And so, it turns out that turns out. This is important.

If you set aside all sorts of verbal constructions, ... The Earth, whether we like it or not, is transformed into a marketable commodity. But once there, he is sure to be purchased. Here and to Grandma for advice to walk. There is a reasonable question. And who among us in the far East has the money and can afford to, albeit not directly buy the land? Mind you, it you said that in addition to Chinese.

Were vouchers. It is through these otčuždali property from the State for the benefit of the owners of life. Now the exact same focus are doing to the Earth. Well done, what is there to say. They piously believe that the invisible hand of the market to sort everything out in its place. In the meantime, we will see the next spectacle tells how people escaping familiar places and begin to develop the far East. Propagandists certainly will not remain without work.

That's all that I wanted to say.

The author would appreciate comments.

Author Gorg June 2016 year

(P) . S.

At the very moment when our Russian spaceships, still roam the expanses of the universe, when our native Russian oligarchs, amicably swell the list of billionaires Forbes... It has happened! My friends, compatriots, brothers and sisters! It has happened!

In Moscow yard map soon with decommissioned from supermarkets. Thus, used for formal reasons food can eat not just freegans who oppose throwing food, but also suffering from the economic crisis, residents of the capital.

And let someone say that the State does not care about its citizens. Let just say that the motherland has forgotten about the poor. Bravo! No, Bravo, twice. This is important.

(P) . S 2.

It is clear that the coffers are empty. It is clear that now it is the duty of every Patriot to find reserves. It is clear that the officials should deal with this issue. Use every opportunity to replenish the Treasury. And here's ... Waited.

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

Как получить дальневосточный гектар. Аграрный мазохизм или очередная афёра для идиотов…

It is essential to take into account first of all different there Leopard kittens, murok, Scutes, vasek ... For what?! Good question! Well, apparently for animal owners pay a pretty penny, which, as we know, the ruble, this saves the State Treasury. I am glad that the order was signed by Sir-a comrade Dzhambulat Hatuov. It's the same Sir-a comrade who doesn't know what is the difference between sugar and fodder beets. Feeričnaâ situation! Evil people argue that as Deputy Minister of agriculture he must know about it.


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