Dear Friends!!! Interesting topics is in the air a lot. I would like to talk about many things, the more there are, as they say, where they roam. Today's topic is definitely breaks out of the total of the series. It is interesting to consider and not afraid of the word topical as ever ...
It's no secret that humanity is divided into optimists and pessimists. Moreover, as many know, the optimist is not informed pessimist. The optimism of some masters-mates reached extraordinary heights in his carelessness. Seemingly beriberi, even the information that is publicly available, plug the Analyzer is in the skull and ...Yes, that's the most, and, as shown by numerous specialists and analysts very big problems.
Let me, in the hope of good tradition, a small digression. One of the articles wrote that sometimes, it seems that in fact the history of mankind can be described quite briefly. And describe in two versions for optimists and pessimists. Pessimists are more likely to say that the whole history of mankind's endless wars, with a break at zalizyvanie and the accumulation of forces for future conflicts.
Optimists are just as likely, to say that the whole history of mankind, this peaceful existence of peoples, with a break for war, which after thinking about their destructive role for development in times of peace. Moreover, remembered that someone from our great ancestors noticed one very true, certainly calls respect for detail. If soldiers knew the true cause of all wars, they would certainly have refused to go to war.
Moreover, if the harm is a wonderful phrase. It was, after all, has never been to had nothing. Regurgitated phrase, that history repeats itself, once a form of tragedy, and the second time as farce, as ever is suitable to describe the present state of affairs. Here's a look at the beginning of the last century, has had a similar situation.
A world on the brink of World War II. Russian Empire loses disgraceful Japan, internal divisions and growing like a snowball. Of course there are political forces who believe that the regime is rotten and his arhivažno overthrow. Used as Tarana people residing in the Empire. Promise him a bright life and happiness all over the world. As usual, promises no one was going to ...
To me that's sometimes very curious is when many bright head tells the tale, that the Russian Empire was a strong State. Colored by that time as if they are using the time machine visited and now share their fallacies. And I want to ask these light heads, what they smoke grass, and most interestingly, where they manage to take, with the huge successes of the Russian federal drug control service.
Paint an idyllic picture. Lives the good Tsar who loves people. For King and Fatherland lived and worked, the Ministers deputies. The State loves its people, and he meets him in return. For the first time in world history that power satisfied with her, as it is now would say the electorate and the electorate happy with power. Usually happens after all!!! Power laments that she is nice, but the people it was quite useless. The people sitting in the kitchens, speculates about total we with power. He's good, but he was not happy with the power, in which the continuous corruption and bloody tyrants at all unusual.
And I want to ask if everything was so good, how could a handful of revolutionaries to shake the foundations of a prosperous and strong country, which was the place to be this Idyll. Why at the first sign of danger, the people stood up to protect breastfeeding so beloved by the authorities. Why not whipped these most opponents of the regime, and not continued side by side together with the Ministers deputies move to a brighter future.
And yet nothing has changed. How to steal, and steal. How did nothing, and continue to do so as their favourite pastime. Of course all this is adjusted to the current situation. We have a very large imagination that would have confidence that people will go for example in attack for all known Mrs. Vasiliev and the equally famous Mr serdyukov. Then as now well under way is the sale of anything and everything.
With modern kaznokrady and the great Russian bankers, along with no less than great Russian oligarchs have gone even further in their distant ancestors. No, it still binds an irresistible desire to divert his native homeland, although in fairness I will say that it is a shame, especially for the holidays, but ...Modern went even further.
When they have a profit, of course based on their professional talents, she, this profit certainly is their merit, and of her separation with the electorate can go no speech. But here's where the electorate on their stupidity wreaks havoc on their efforts, and the losses appear here ...Yes, you guessed it, they start to demand that the State aid due to the naturally poor electorate. Profit share, this is a violation of all conceivable and inconceivable rules, but the loss is always please.
And here's the thing, and if you call a spade a spade, that revelry amid democracy and the search for the invisible hand of the market, there are amazing things. In short, after the us flood!!! Moreover, the deluge had already podtopil the foundations of the State and came close to the level of the first floor. The team instead of immediately start to pump water, continues to steal and to report to the top together, that everything is OK and everything goes according to plan. Those never ceased to pursue this very useful for personal well-being and perceived with approval the reports of subordinate. And the more colorful report, the more likely to stand up a notch to the trough of ...
Sandro, enough to tell about the life of our sad, you tell the thing, or rather about the war, which is as inevitable as the inevitable morning arrives by night. So, who are these same figures, or the world zavaruški. Who does not want to raise children, fall in love, to drink tea with jam, work and create?! Personally?! You are welcome!!! USA, uk, Russia, China, the generalized Europe. And hear the comment that I missed even one State and many did not. No, the State of Israel, I have not included in this roll of clear to me why. It is the only State in the world that is very intelligently uses the controversy surrounding world, and without any particular need not fight.
And what is the deal, if the rough and very approximately. Everything is simple. China, he just stands aside and waits than everything will end. No, he intervenes when the opportunity arises, of course, but to start all other weakened to the delight of the Eastern hitrecu of ... The Americans and the British, initially to fight themselves. To weaken the enemy, by the hands of Europeans, and then, when the result is certainly guaranteed to join world stomping around on white horses. Why a horse?! Simply in the light of recent global trends before you and you had to enter on a horse, and now need a horse.
Why Russia, chosen for the role of the victim?! No, well, except there are options?! If we discard all Husky, the reason is as old as world! Large areas of land, natural wealth. Everything is! No, it is not that modern Russia is a role model and a ray of light in the dark Kingdom. Just old guys sat down, discussed and decided. It should, for the sake of the future prosperity of civilization. Among all the other anything. Unfair.
And began. The interesting thing is that the great Russian politicians, even at that, the hope is! They believe that giving as they think is strong evidence of his innocence and denied any connection to all murderous activities taking place on our planet has the opportunity to stand in one line with the civilized countries. Naive, even if you prove that that two plus two equals four, your guilt is not present, it will not change anything.
Late drink Borjomi, where you have dissolved the last suckers. Moreover, the breeding and did not have to. Love to stealing at the gene level, the Russian elite, completely rejects the opportunity to go to fight to the death with the enemy. They ousted a bloody tyrant, which allowed them to divert Russian fatherland than lose all the acquired back-breaking labor.
But the most interesting is that even the palace coup, in fact nothing will change. Just a tactic to pressure small increments will continue. Always starts with small concessions, and ends with a complete defeat. At this stage, there is a question of getting rid of Putin. Think with his departure, something will change?! No, of course not!!! There will be new requirements, and then more and more ...
Then on the agenda will be the end of the war the South-Eastern part of Ukraine. Then return to the Crimea in the old harbour. Well, then you can go to Moscow?! Don't believe me?! But in vain do not believe.
You see, there are so called tokens, which allow you to forecast the likely events. Each of them separately is not anything special, but that's the complex, it is a signal to the correct interpretation of reality. Will not feed the analysts and great professionals, let alone work for his bread. I will say only a few markers that lie on the surface and show that great big bang coming soon to ...
The Americans, Yes and not only did they rapidly fill up their oil storage. Detail of course, who would be on it to pay attention. And here's the second token in itself certainly does not deserve much attention, but ... Alcoa sells its enterprise in Russia.
Dramatize?! No, not just looking what they say and what they do. After the departure of Putin, variants are possible. The new national leader will surrender all positions. But there is one very interesting point. The Russian elite does not in principle reformiruema. It is even to clean itself, it's beyond dreams. Then what will change one national leader to another?! For the most part nothing.
You must complete the reformat, which in my opinion is only possible under conditions of heavy zavaruški. Bloody puff it will write off and make on the surface of the new elite. I remember that when I am very skeptical of import replacement under sanctions, some gentlemen, comrades threw caps into the air and waited for the happy moment when the Russian farmers will feed all and some romantic person had hoped that exports will remain a small part.
And now. When I say that all frozen in anticipation of the opportunity to capture the Russian territory, then Lord-comrades as a result of Russia's nuclear weapons possession. And they sincerely believe in the deterrent that it daëš′sâ. It is naïve, even have the courage to order it. Are there any brave people?! I do not see at close range.
No, you can say, and here's the thing to do, it's already in the distant past. Generation of imitators. While some people worked, some people managed to ...Then a huge number of people who do not like to work, and wanted to direct. But this was not enough. Now, you wouldn't believe it, but it's a fact. The overwhelming majority does not want to even lead, experiences an extreme need for control and never answer ...
Among the Patriots of democratic-Liberals-a monarchists are very popular stamps. They're like children, small live as if in a different dimension. It does seem that all, or almost all, wars, conflicts, the revolution had and have one on their view of the cause. Fight for the ideals and the punishment of bright bad guys. Nonsense nesusvetnaâ. Right of the strong, unfortunately no one has not been canceled. Fighting was and is for the possession of or if any leakage areas. But the territories, not what ABY, and rich in natural resources.
Evil tongues are very fond of the word's greatest lead politicians of modern times, which certainly goes against my opinions and thoughts. Of course, where Sandro and where the greatest policy, but ...Do not forget about such a shameful phenomenon certainly for policy and politics, as the lies and deception. So, I will say that as strange as sounds, but these two phenomena go always hand in hand. I will say more, without lies and total deception, any policy is impossible in principle. ...
Don't believe me?! It is for the eyes to see that you do not believe it! Well, let me think. Can anyone of you remember at least one case when a politician has kept his promise?! Can name a politician who does not deceive?! If such a policy there, it should be immediately excluded from politics and post writing memoirs of ...
Recently have reflected on How us deceive policy or killed Boris slave honor ... Not polenûs′, in addition, that provides real life examples, that we pass without thinking. Remember all Russians proudly reported that a food embargo on imports?! The type that we will let them bear the loss, and we ourselves grow and feed themselves. Some, especially impressionable citizens even tear of emotion allowed...
So what, you ask, that is not yet evening. No, my dear, are unfortunately evening. Look, and it's not Liberals broadcast, it is a State body known as Rosselkhoznadzor, informs us all that ...
For all this wordy husk, you can and should see the main. Watched and cried. Have to cancel its own embargo, otherwise ...And all the words that we see, we will check, in case of cancellation, it is nothing more than a good Mina when a bad game.
Second, totally random example-all probably recall that the Russian Government, or to be more precise, the Putin personally, saved the lives of Panou Professor,he is the former head of the world Ukraine. That said, the power that never lie, and that talked the most truthful, analysts and political scientists?! Is right that this is a destructive force Trump to come to power in Ukraine and what?! I would understandIf, so far, the Russian leadership has stated that the only legitimate leader acknowledges this amateur steal hats in a distant youth, but ...
What we're seeing. The new Ukrainian Government recognized the Russian leadership at the highest level. Then, I'm sorry, why was Viktor Yanukovych?! And I'll tell you, although many of my answer will seem strange. A raven will not peck another raven's eye. The thief, the thief will almost always. A rich, almost always help his colleague on the uneasy craft in a difficult moment. The Russian elite, could not throw in trouble of Viktor Yanukovych. And with all that, he knows too much. Let the better it will be under the supervision of ...
Propose to return to the list of participants of the great zavaruški and see whether we have not missed any of the potential candidates. Missed! Kidding, of course, but to my shame I missed out one more candidate. Yes, this is Japan!!! A little-known public fact that prefer not to talk.
It is that Japan, a unique state in the world that you won't believe, but does not recognise the results of the second world war. I will say more, does not recognise and has territorial claims to its neighbors. Add to the entire industrial power, militarization, the disputed northern territories and can present threat posed by the descendants of the Samurai were to Russia.
And it's not my fantasy, the Japanese side seriously prepared the use of force to seize disputed territory. But, sometimes, in the course of world history makes its amendments his Majesty chance. In this particular case, it may sound cynical, but the Russian side it was a good coincidence. The series of disasters that has befallen Japan, long postponed aside territorial claims against its neighbors. I am not here to focus on the issues of konspirologii. Simply said that the earthquake was man-made but that take on the evil languages ...
It is a member of the global zavaruški has become smaller, although this does not affect the whole process of preparing mankind to his favorite hobby, destroy each other.
A few words about Russian interests in Ukraine. I understand that simplicity, that is only my opinion, but still ...When the Russian expanses, local oligarchs have divided and have mastered everything what you can and cannot, then ...Right, eyes rushed to a neighbouring State. We must learn and conquer the economic waters of Ukraine. But there were, exactly the same robbers of native Ukrainian motherland. Guys, just could not share the economic field. Oh and go disassembly of ...
Of course, you can tell its citizens that we are talking about protection of the Russian-speaking population. AHA, now. Oh, well, in the case of Crimea, like converge. Told that defend, and seems to be defended. Although, the story with the Crimea, it is another story. And what about South-East of Ukraine?! There, a special Russian-speaking people?! Some have defended, and second and are not going to say great specialists and analysts of ...
Many indeed, innocently don't realize that war, and I'm talking about the great war, already is. Love to give examples from life, albeit simplified, but they disrupted an information fog and reveal the real picture. Dark podvorotnâ, adult boys and the little šket that fits with the complete certain objectives. What the?! Feel out the next victim. If the victim is present, then its on time, to the best of times, leave well enough alone, and šketu give a blow, for the alleged error in its actions to ...
And is there anything to Russia in order to secure your?! A joke is wrong!!! All, I stress, all the Russian elite has long ceased to be the national elite. All, or almost all, stick to the same financial hook that come off with it, it is impossible in principle. The opposition, not to mention against the civilized world, may be engaged. The elite is so stupid that it still hoped for a favorable outcome for themselves. In vain hopes!!! Only the guillotine, or worse a pending reformatting...
It may appear that I am a fanatic supporter of civilized Liberals, and feel a strong hatred for the Russian authorities. You, I beg you! Just different weight categories. Civilized Liberals try to commit their crimes with their unique brilliance, and Russian, because of feeble mind and gender inferiority nothing can oppose to them in this regard.
See, in the year 2001, was arrested by Mr Milosevic, who was found guilty the Hague Tribunal, and in 2006, left our troubled world. In the 2006 year, on par with the charismatic ûgoslavom left this world and Saddam Hussein, but there was a fair in the world of the Hague Tribunal. Apparently the dictators and tyrants has become very much and the judges cannot cope with the influx. Lucky, the head of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, of course, was arrested, but a company of Milosevic and Saddam Hussein, he flatly refused. But the former leader of the Fortune smiled on Libya Muammar al-Gaddafi. Normal, brutal murder and nothing else.
No, civilized Liberals, of course nothing to do with this. It made people realize that freedom is better than slavery. Can you imagine, with all those tyrants at first embraced, hold hands, led the negotiations ...And then, suddenly saw the light on! Bah, yes the same bloody dictators, we were wrong, what blinded were ...And that would fix their mistakes, found an ingenious solution. Dictators kill in order to avoid such mistakes in the future, and money ...In General, the looted money it is! Everything was kept in banks, naturally will be used for its intended purpose, namely, used for children. Yes, kids, it's our everything!!! Who is against, to spend money of dictators on children?! Right, no one is!
If asked, it would give useful advice to any leader of any State. My dear tyrant and murderous dictator. Do what you think is beneficial to the State, and never look at the so-called public opinion and the progressive world public opinion. Well they have this work, criticizing tyrants and dictators. And stop an information war!!! Well, it's a very unnerving free press of civilized countries.
What?! You and the words that you don't know-the information war?! The fullness of time! You know!!! So, stop immediately and make business. Let the honest and unbiased on developments in the country of democracy, a free press. And remember the most important thing. Whether it be indifferent to either someone's respect. But you can afford the luxury of being strong. Not to steal, to build a State and take care of them. Hard?! But as you like, or better go to heaven to former colleagues in dictatorial shop?!
So will there be a war with Russia? Of course, there is preparation, rather the final stage. And let no one misleads the position of old Europe. I'll tell you that's the dishes.b, forgive the cradle of civilization. Good and evil, the investigator. Heard about this technique of interrogation?! Here and in our case, the role of the good investigator assigned to Europe. The Russian leadership is all imaginable and unimaginable concessions good investigator, and the pressure on her is not reduced to the amazement of brilliant Russian diplomats. And will not diminish, as would anyone who wasn't expecting to ...
(P).SWhen text is my situation, not because of personal preferences, but from the contemplation of the bloody circus that is going around. Believe me, no one should be possible ...
As a bonus. Remember the event in Odessa? Remember The House Of Trade Unions? Remember. So, look closely at the photograph.