Dear Friends! We continue our conversation that we started. For better understanding I advise you to read the first part, titled- Ukraine. historical parallels. Pandora's box or a Trojan horse. So, go on.
Pandora's box, or Trojan horse
I suggest, if not opposed, to remember the beginning of the last century, August 1914. What is the month of August so remarkable that I intend to fix it, your attention. Nothing special, except that such judges. In this most August of 1914, the Russian Empire declared war on Germany. Well, announced and announced, you say you are wrong. How many wars have many States to each other. All would be nothing but an excuse.
And the reason was, once again, to reiterate, the classic home collection for a declaration of war. Protecting the Serbs our brothers-Slavs from the hated Austrians. And the Austrians offend Serbs and needed ... pick up the Turkish Dardanelles and Bosporus ...Well, okay, geopolitics is a good thing, will not stir up the past, all the more so because this is becoming , is lighter and more colorful.
Vladimir Putin, one fine morning announced that he was ready to send troops to the territory of Ukraine. A Reason? Guess for yourself, think of the big work. Of course, solely to protect the Russian-speaking population living in Ukrainian territory.
Nation rejoices. The Patriots beat in Ecstasy, and even refined young ladies and young men with insane eyes shout slogans. A bit for the fact that has not yet reached the drop target čepčikov in the air, but who knows, maybe the time has not come. Taken Sevastopol city. Cheers! The other day, maybe before will be charged the entire eastern part of Ukraine. Cheers! Cheers! Russia stands up from his knees. Three times the ringing cheers! Began the great opposition of Russia and the rest of the world! Repeated cheers breaking into a long, nesmolkaûŝie applause!
Stunned! No, I assumed that the number of idiots per capita is very high, but it beats all records imaginable and unimaginable, for all its harmfulness of even and assume could not. Guys, au ... Wipe the eyes, enjoy a cup of coffee, smoke a cigarette, and then sit down and calmly think, I assure you, this is a very useful lesson.
Many don't advise to watch Russian TV and don't read the newspaper in the morning. I confess, as the spirit. Newspapers in the morning do not read, because I love to sleep an extra hour and morning reading time is left. But at the Russian TV channels would not accept such a Council. No, deliberately not looking, but when possible, can not deny myself the pleasure to know what at this point is the General line of the party and the Government, or to be more exact, you know that God wants to Putin.
All he was interested in recent months only the Olympics and everything associated with it. Maidan in Kyiv increasingly radicalized through, and Russian diplomats speak of non-interference in the internal affairs of a neighboring country. How and why was the radicalization of Maidan in Kyivis a private conversation, and to him we return, of course, but a little later ...
Please answer honestly. Someone in Russia is very interested in the fate of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, I am not talking about the fate of all Ukrainians. From politicians to absolutely anyone. It was just not up to such things, looting still remaining resources passed to the space velocity. Moreover, the political vector of relations with Ukraine was slightly different than many would like to think the Patriots. Lots of neighbors in the Customs Union, and lay their hands the Ukrainian industry, and all the rest of the evil one.
The oberegaemaâ mystery in this whole story, that there was an uncontrollable reaction. The triumph of freedom and democracy, as planned, did not happen. And there was what is commonly referred to as chaos and the collapse of the State. Failed the liberal community rejoice at the fact that the dictator ousted by Yanukovych and ignominiously fled the country.
Do not reveal the terrible secrets if I say that in any State is the place to be a destructive element. With its quantity and quality is inversely proportional to the presence of State institutions in the country. That's begun. All against all. Who had burned fitilëk? You have not guessed? Then read on. And what about the leaders of the protest movement, these Western mercenaries and American capitalists that they did when the situation became out of control? Yes nothing. Many were surprised to discover that these same leaders are unable to control anything, anyone or anywhere else. The typical Komsomol members, who used to do things other people's hands.
And that in Russia? You'll be surprised, but the Russians have forgotten about its internal problems. Forget about corruption. Forget that the Chief embezzler Mr Serdyukov, magic became the hero of Russia. Forgot that recently required a separate caucuses. Forget that the Russian elite has long moved to the West, and arrives in this country that would manage to steal most, what else is left. Paradoxically, a small victorious war, can work wonders. Here's to you and the national idea which is able to unite all Russians. However, it should be noted that such association is not viable and only operates on a short historical period of time.
If there is a Square, then could not arise and Antimajdan. And he did. And very quick spontaneity has become the organizational forms. Here is that apparently no one expected. After all, as planned, with the help of the people throw off one power, or rather some bandits, and replace them with others, but ... And it so happened that people decided to take the ogloblû and started to smash and left and right, and blue and green, and in the best traditions of their predecessors. State ordered to live long. Some legitimate, others are legitimate, others are not going to go anywhere, and only want to control everything and everyone.
And this is where the elite are scared. Moreover, the elite not only Ukrainian, but also Russian, together with their foreign associates. What do I do? The experiment is out of control. Like what?! Necessary, gendarme, who face the order among the rebellious people. A bad example is contagious, as well as the people of vozomnit that he was indeed the creator of their own destiny.
And who is perfect for the role, gendarme,,? Right, ideal Russia. The reason she is simply perfect. Protection of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine. Only the naive would believe in the fairy tale about the confrontation between Russia and the West on the Ukrainian question. So, since the Russian Government had independent foreign and domestic policies. No, inflate the cheeks, knock yourself in the chest to make a menacing statement it's always please. But with deeds and sales, it is intense-sorry, only the following approvals and permits the curators.
Giving carte blanche to Putin, the West has, as always merzkuû game. See what turns out. Any stroke, or if you want the action of the Russian authorities did not improve, but only worsens the situation. A Trojan horse is received. Time, matter, and unfortunately you cannot change anything.
Trojan horse -a huge wooden horse built ten on board the Odyssey in the tenth year of the Trojan war. Inside the horse Èpeem built up several heroes and Achaea's army, lost ships, set sail for the island of Tendos. The Trojans have decided that the siege of Troy shot and believed the Patcher's Sinona said that the Trojan horse on the achaeans to propitiate the Athena, and that the possession of the horse will make Troy invincible, moved the horse into the city, destroying part of the fortress wall. In vain the priest Laocoon assured the Trojans that you should not do this. The horse came out of the womb of night warriors-achaeans and opened the gates of an army under cover of darkness. Troy was finally taken and destroyed.
Putin will not interfere in the Affairs of Ukraine. So he chickened out and does not protect the Russian-speaking population. Begins to intervene, then it's strangler freedoms and the bloody dictator. Moreover, I would like to emphasize that due to the unnatural selection, the whole state machine is a gathering of relatives and associates. Soberly think no one wants, but to be honest it cannot. Smart was removed and remained mediocrity, who do not see beyond their nose.
What's next? And on the Pro-registration side, Putin in Ukraine, in which he enters with the direct connivance of the Western elites. The elites now the main thing is not to scare him to get bogged down on the thing, not balujsâ, and only then, will be produced shot to the head. I can assure you that the rhetoric will change, and the Russian national leader will be to blame in all imaginable and unimaginable. The Kremlin, it understands, but as this is greed always fraera ruining. There may be a temptation to overplay their Western counterparts on other people's wealth, but not crazy enough and force are not the same.
Many apparently forgot that the Western gentlemen always initially a fifth string. And then to create a revolutionary situation when, white, fighting, and red, and the elite then presents the keys to the gentlemen of the loser of the State on a silver with a blue border. With all the contradictions and tragic situation, has a place to be alone, no one disputed fact. The Slavs, the Slavs, ready to shoot and some already shoot and number of shooting will grow exponentially.
Declared intention of unleashing civil war on the territory of Ukraine. They make bold to say that Pandora's box, it is very easy to open, but almost no one has been able to close it.
Box, Pandora's jar. In Greek mythology, the first woman on Earth. Created by Hephaestus at the behest of Zeus, smešavšim land and water, with the participation of other gods. Athena gave her soul, and each other's gift, Zeus gave her curiosity as a gift. Satire brought it to Èpimeteû together with the chest, which Zeus ordered never to open.
She became the wife of Èpimeteâ, the younger brother of Prometheus. She learned from her husband that in the House there is a tub, which in any case cannot be opened. If you violate the ban, the whole world and its inhabitants are countless troubles. By curiosity, she opened it, and the troubles have befallen the world. When Pandora opened the box, all the troubles and sickness that were in it, hit the humanity, and stayed there only hope — is so terrible wrong that even Zeus feared his release.
The Western official circles have expressed concern, concern, called on Putin to abandon the action could lead to an escalation of the conflict, but they and official circles. It seems that the foreign media, are paid from the Russian budget. In unison with their Russian counterparts they amicably zagolosili of fascist threat in Ukraine. Why would it? I have said that right now the main thing is not to scare the Russian bear on his way to his death.
A few words about what is-Crimea. Type n. Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine, and it's time to take it back. It reminds me of a situation when, after a divorce, ex-husband of a nervous and could not calm down. Is angry and builds all kinds of machinations. And the situation with the Crimea, this type of small-scale conflicts. Do you remember, I gave a gold ring? So here's a bitch thankless give back ...
The fate of Crimea and crimeans, albeit for a short period of time was in their own hands, but ... Late drinking soda when vengeance is the process of gathering Russian lands. And this whole process is presented as if the people themselves took the power in their hands. Here woke up in the morning, decided to organize themselves and take power. And, Lo and behold, it did. You'll be surprised, but such tales they read and believe. What will be next? Russia will impose order in Ukraine, and then ...An unenviable future looms. Moor has done his job, the Moor can go. Nothing personal, just politics.
Russian citizens in the State of narcotic intoxication cannot understand one simple truth. Selling the elite cannot by definition patriotic. Patriots and Government companies behave differently. They are engaged in industry and science. Great attention is paid to the country's defense capability, develop science, medicine, education.We have seen all this? A rhetorical question ...
Sad smile when I hear and read numerous recipes, how to make so that the planet is experiencing peace and tranquility. It turns out, is just nothing. It is necessary that all were friends, and had no enemies and the bad people. Whew! Way out, despite the fact that for many centuries the smartest people could not find a solution to this problem. And you say that liberalism and liberal white, fluffy and harmless. Well, well ...
And finally, one more time. One may wonder. So you're all unhappy. And what could be done in Russia that would break out of the vicious circle? Russia in its current form, nothing more can be done. No, a strong State. I can say that would make a strong State in such a situation. It would not polezlo like ham in the tram, the frontal attack yourself. Everything would be done gracefully and beautifully.
Would be found on the world map, the pain, the point. And the power of the State machinery at its peak would blow on it to create the same situation. Smart people would understand and would have seen, usual in such cases, rokirovočka ...You turn away here, we hold there. Everyone is happy and the people are cheering.
(P).SIf someone who is not completely understood what is being described, then I recommend reading the first part back to the Ukraine. the historical parallels. Pandora's box or Trojan horse
That's what I say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
Author Gorg March 2014 year