Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about our Patriots and touch on in the light of our conversation the topic of patriotism. So, to begin, I suggest look at all knowing Wikipedia, it certainly knows the answers to all the questions and even more ...
Dear Friends! At one time had a chance to talk with one very smart man. By chance, not even talk, and just talk. This usually occurs when life brings total strangers who will never meet. Conversation memorized. Details of deposited in memory.
Dear Friends! Today we'll talk about ... You see, on this subject, do not talk and prefer it in principle correct.
Dear Friends! The head is round, from what's going on. Moreover, numerous examples of idiocy, inspire a certain optimism that not everything is lost, what is most interesting yet to come ...
Dear Friends! Life sometimes throws up such topics to write articles that even do not have to think in a regular selection of interesting topics. And how!
Dear Friends! Not yet time to talk about politics. Though, where without it. Today I propose to talk about ... Yes, art. It is about him, and everything connected with it. Recently, well it so happens I found time to lie down on the sofa.
Dear Friends. Today we'll talk about some of the things that many people prefer not to notice. No notice for various reasons. But talking about these moments of need. At least that would be remembered and forgotten nothing.
Dear Friends! Here is talking about himself, everything, no word about politics. Write better about law enforcement agencies. Well, or that everything is already good, and will be even better. Does not work.
Dear Friends! Events in the world around us so rapidly developing that it becomes impossible for everyone to follow and assess what is happening to the madness. The impression that the world is crazy.
Dear Friends. Start a conversation on this topic difficult. A person generally tend to hope for the best, but ... There are situations when absolutely worse most serious crimes.