Summer. The Heat. All alive rushes поближе to water. The Brining salvation cool so and beckons. The Sunday.
In default of possibility while go on sea do the sally on Severskiy Donec. Beauty beside
the coast indescribable. Hot sand. Near by beach заросли bulrush. Heated sun body so and
asks in chilly water. Water seems chilly only under the first VWVcall at;drop in in it. Afterwards she
becomes as milk fresh from the cow. Believe to come out of it, afterwards oh as not to want. Yes that I you
tell, each, probably, felt such a feeling. On opposite side yard ditto
were situated the amateurs of the water procedures. The Heard baby screech.
А near by us to hear the duck a quacking. This wild ducks were situated not far away. Proximity
the people their does not scare. It Seems that they will not caught, why adult people rejoice to water as small
the children. But can, on the contrary understand and sympathize. People they after all can not, as ducks to enjoy
water, when him to want.
Had a swim, time and honour to know. We Come out of water позагорать. But mentally again want back. Under
output notice become the мальков near by border of water and coast. They even better than duck, they live
in water. Pozagorali and back into water. The Prodigy not водица. Live in her while heat not спадQт.
Look at beauty around and on the shower as- that peacefully. The Large city this certainly well. But
only in provinces understand that only here feel the root. All after all left we from Folk.
So foots. The Sunday. The Rest day. But I once again begin to speculate about fate of the world, about богатых,
about beautiful. No only rest. Invisibly has пролетело around four hours. The Time to leave. Charge to vigour
it is received. Here is and all. One day from life. But from such days and forms the life. As splinter. From
such splinter we and do our life. Do Themselves.
Do Not bid farewell. See you later. Beregite itself.
Author Alexander D.