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С 29.11.09

Man and Woman


As from men to do импотента or carefully Stervy.

Write this article forced the event. Raspalasi household pair. Intiligentnye people.

Clever, well much. Have Lived together about nine years. The Wife has left to the other. Successful.

And did not become I accent its attention on this fact if  

From the very beginning nobody did not understand that occurs. The Very handsome man man. The Clever person.

And such choice. Not even sweetie. Simply sulfuric mouse .Как known болоте in тихом devils

водятся. But we about this can be forget.The Love and all here.

The Someone else family this someone else family. Guilty both. The Litter, wrote about this article. You will Say

but in than he guilty, once describe that he clever person. In that that blind and vigilance

has lost.

All this is because after divorce nuthatch rumours that very handsome man our VWVhave diarrhea on

the male line. The Author of the former spouse. She this not even hides. The Good lad.

So here is after marriage our sulfuric mouse begin be transformed. No, she did not become краше.

Simply became to become ухоженной. Detey did not wind, what speak though word to wind the детей me much jar;warp. Wind the horses, but детей give birth. The Motivation one-career.

She in general good lad. Why itself to burden the family if the first family - whole only springboard to light future. But husband whole only facility. His(its) encirclement, relationship.

The God to her judge. I did not become write the article if only this. Nor she one such.

Simply no need to go too far. В than this was expressed?

She has transformed the man in импотента. Whence сведенья? You Think only women(woman)

their own secrets open on пьяни? You Mistaken.

As this is done? Shall Tell, can be useful, to whom nor be from muzhiks. But can and

the woman, be such bastard, husband get that only so them and teach.

There is speed course of the conversion in импотента, there is gradual. Our heroine

has chosen gradual. That have not away the husband by chance, predator is enough in our lifes.

She else повезло in that that husband интилигент ,nature впечатлительная. Such remove from

the balances once to spit. But her and spit no need, loves after all he her(it).

The Ithaca, short instruction. It is Necessary immediately to show who in house master. What there is levers for

this. It is Correct. The Sex, food, moral atmosphere. So here is using all these three

the factor possible many to reach. The Begin with moral atmosphere. Elementary. On all

the disagreements and critic action wife, husband gets the scandals. But not beat dishes.

No. This has gone and not интилигентно. All are done beautifully. We Include sarcasm, funs

biting, move to personalities. And all time speak of equality. We Lead

to that that in family must be a democracy. To that she provides in family? Yes

approximately additionally to as in country. Solve all, but nobody no way answers.

Or on the contrary, she solves, but he in the event of what answers.

I not dialect about tyranny and деспотизме in family. No. Solve problems and questions it is necessary

together. Help to each other. Without this at all. Native people. But here is this and

use the gray mouses. Look, but already husband beside plates cost(stand)s. Glyani, but he already in ванной.

Passed quite nothing, but he already button sews on itself. In the beginning yield from любви,

But afterwards yield that not to irritate the Spouse. Here is she and moral situation.

The Food. Any man pleasantly, when his(its) feeds the wife. This is a whole ritual. While

she covers on table, so much possible say to each other. Yes and when eat, so pleasantly caught on itself glances loving person. Well after all. But we him on the other. Supper

on table, the borsch in refrigerator and etc. Not small, manages itself. And he manages. That

do. The Love. But if hears that once at week possible to make holiday, not having forgotten

emphasize what wife clever person. We Work out the instinct, as beside pawl.

We Go to sex. Does Not hear. Nakazhem. The Head болит, cycle, has tired. Whole list

possible form. But there is and more refined way. Lie and all. start;put All itself.

If mentally задавить muzhik, but afterwards exactly offer itself. That will?

It is Correct. Nothing. Hereinafter follows his(its) accuse. Intiligentnyy husband, he itself will begin

outlive. But if else and specially accent. Many possible to reach. Either as

with food possible once at week to take the initiative in their own Hands and make the holiday.

The Husband begins to understand that he can only with this Sulphur by mouse.

But now question. Zavedyot who from womans man in apron on kitchen, in bath, with needle in

the hand, without own opinion. Such подкаблучник. Think that not заведQт. Who

tried to do his(its) such. It is Correct. The Sulfuric mouse. Why? On any event. Live

comfortable. But if that costing will appear on horizon, please импотент ready .Не

quite ready? But we speed up the process. And she blanching пушистая.

The Loving people so do not enter. On that they and loving.Question what recognize

the loving heart.

Has Written all this and has thought. But that such husbands no, which inspire its wife,

that sleeps he with her from big complaisance. There is. But there little not so. Think with

time to write about husbands tyrant.

Do Not bid farewell .До meeting. Beregite itself.

Author Alexander D.

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