Alexander, on my small, but жизненом experience, I met nor little beautiful girls(packed-as you speak), and many solitaries indeed.But reasons sea!!!
But now sharpen attention on word beauty!!! The Beauty can be: external, внутреняя. Outwardly much beautiful on truth of the people-both pair and girl. With good proportion of the body, the beautiful person... But here is внутреним world -beautiful nor each beautiful outwardly person!!! Here is this внутрений world-and plays nor small role in lifes!!!
Realy, the lad will want to live and be with girl-beautiful , but horror as terrible in shower? Of course no!!! But external beauty characteristic to fade-such a nature!!! here is and one of the variant of the answer to your question and subjects!!!
Do Not deny, there is and beautiful in all-so to speak ideal girl or ideal lad. But here is here all otherwise- such personalities will try to meet similarly itself personalities, but to сожелению this extremely seldom can be!!!
But variant third- nor each lad will want to be with girl very beautiful by reason of constant voltage "But suddenly see!?".The Opposite floor glance does not reduce-here and beside not jealous jealousy is shown! This here is my glances...possible certainly sea version расматривать-on that and life, with miscellaneous forshortening different variants. And NO NOT BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE- THERE IS DIFFERENT VKUSY!!!:ok:
But I wrote little about the other.In article I have took only upper cut this big проблемма.
I did not take the beauty spiritual.Simply looked the situation when pretty woman does not carry in the private life.Beautiful they after all ditto people.They ditto to want happiness.And sense,red thread of the whole article-one my desire to yell the man.Certainly one,has read the article.
The Men-do not are afraid the pretty womans.Approach,arouse.You so much lose, be afraid gets acquainted with beautiful.They can have already tired from its beauty.
But woman wanted to yell.Hold.Well that to do if muzhik chicken-hearted will go.
Take then initiative in their own hands,approached on throat of own pride.
After all person can not live not returning and not getting heats emotional.I do not take the clinical events,when we love only itself such good.
Do Not know .Нужен this shout and that,and others.But even though one person article helped,I already complacent.
Has Recently thought that probably it is necessary to write even cycle article to subjects ,,What gets acquainted with woman,, How much beside us mans not even know,what begin.That afterwards beside all wit is enough.
But here is what gets acquainted.But this in plan.
While all.See you later. Beregite itself.
Author Alexander D.