As I have understood from talk beside one yesterday was an appointment first, but the second curiously enough as it passed is Divided one signifies the first impressions, but the second straight tears the main question. There was or no. Most of all I have struck the answer - No. And that he then on I shall think. So was born this article. The Ithaca
The Sex on the first appointment. Possible or no?
For beginning, think, it is necessary be defined. I shall bear in mind usual people, rather then anxious and other .
Got acquainted. Agreed on meeting. Think if was not although what that likings meeting did not take place. Logistical. While yes. Resemble(go)ed-( have sat, have looked the film, ). That is to say have conducted what, that time therefor that пристальнее to value the visual image new familiar, simply speak. Have Spoken and have valued. There is fire beside both. All like make and both agree to continue the relations. Approaches the main moment. When? The most interesting in this situations, when woman understands that she already agree and man ready, but they bid farewell before the following meeting.
Why so happened. The Main reason in that that woman has stopped one. That will say the man about it. That he will think.
Who that can say that woman it is necessary time. She must morally get ready.
She can not here is so immediately. Agree. This it is correct. So it and there is. But if you read attentively, that was to read one small, but important word. Iskorka.
She or there is or her(its) no. But talks about that that it is necessary time that to hear each other, certainly ,have a right to be . But. Say, after all people other once live on much years, but as well as do not know each other. Believe if искорки no, that her(it) and not will. And usually first opinion about person зачастую can be the most faithfull.
So right after first appointment in bed. No, I hereto do not call. Simply long decision of this question does not promote the fortification of the relations. And woman wants the weasels, and man. Solve this question must , certainly man.
It Is Noticed that sex on the first appointment, either as long relations without sex, cool. Do Not know why. Can quick vicinity kills beside men instinct huntsman. But long waiting to vicinity by woman kills to fantasies. And present if waiting the women(woman) were not justified. The Man has not justified the hopes. The Blow?
Certainly. And she can to itself to say- Dura, and what I so much waited, only time lost. On my glance optimum time this with the second appointment, well maximum week relations. Think this period it is enough.
But there is else some moments. The Review for what need you these relations.
If simply fill the emptiness, that this one. But then it is necessary immediately about this say.
Why do painfully other. But if for you all seriously, that possible man little and torment. Only don't care advisable packs at week period.
And do not yet forget that first step must do the man. But if he modest and shy. Then two ways, what the comrade Sahov spoke. If he you was needs that to fill the emptiness, that bids farewell with him, him else early sex to concern with.
But here is if he you roads much, that uses whole its feminine wisdom, trick, but do so that this has did like he. Not me to teach the womans, as this is done.
The Greater secret has not revealled.
And on greater count, do not think, possible or it is impossible. Why extinguish the showers beautiful blasts. Want, signifies possible!!!! The Life that one.
But better packs at week period!!!! The Women(woman)s protect itself !!!!!
Author Alexander D.