Dear Friends!!! Sometimes, indeed often, to properly assess the situation lacked the veritable trifle. One or two small details that help lay down a holistic picture ...
So, a fact or detail, which lacked, and which appeared. And now when your humble servant has already flirted with all his reasoning were the usual nonsense. No, not that that would be nonsense, but ...
As usual, the Press Secretary of Putin voiced very interesting things. Where does this, with a special grace, the very clumsy. It seems that the text they write different teams of assistants.
You may not believe it, but when the Russian society, except for the Liberals and was tossed into the air, recently beached caps and vytiralo a tear of joy by yours truly right away, at the level of the subconscious was second. No, it's not from what Sandro is very clever, although I will not deny that fact, the case in the other.
In the event of a return of the Crimea, as a national leader, to the native Harbor, confused one detail. Original source not found sorry, but appeared in the media a little token. It turns out if Crimea did not return to the native Harbor, the American fleet would stand near the Russian border. Paradoxically, it was mentioned that zapozdaj all of these events for a couple of hours, all full of love and the situation it would be impossible to fix ...
Nothing reminds?! Something similar has already happened. More recently, by historical standards, similar to the neighbouring USSR State assistance to Afghanistan. Type a couple of hours, and the Americans would be in Kabul. Coincidence?! No, the usual work of ordinary communicators who use the old cliches. But ...
A particularly clever specialists, analysts, propagandists, the authorities naturally together told the people that Afghanistan was baited by the Soviet party leadership had drâhleûŝee zaglotilo. Type this load, as the Afghan war, the Soviet State order could not happen what happened. By analogy, and if other tokens, it turns out that the Russian State would not be able to load in the form of Crimea and Donbass. And I haven't mentioned the 2014 Winter Olympics in the past year.
The State propaganda machine does not deny that the so called Anglo-Saxons and which has adjoined to the United Europe, very smart, cynical and cunning partners. And if so, it turns out that the Olympics were held with only one purpose. Knowing the love of the Russian power elite and complicacy of any funds were allowed to once again steal on a large scale, and to place those funds in the civilized West.
Slightly changed the well-known anecdote, but I think the situation when such change is displayed correctly.
People said authorities and elite:
-Gentlemen, sanctions, you will now be less steal?
-No, now you'll eat less!
In the case of Crimea, did not leave feeling that in fact this is a common Setup, or if you will, the bait that the Russian leadership zaglotilo. And from the evil of the Anglo-Saxons is thought out, it was all up to muuuullimetra. Heavy economic situation just a clear hint that the Russian leadership is necessary though not big, however small, but victory. Let's take the Crimea, we porugaût, even the sanctions will be. ... But it's a great excuse to explain to citizens why everything is so bad.
It's not their fault. Vasileva serdyukov This is not zarvavšiesâ the oligarchs are to blame. It's not lack of leadership is to blame. This ...Think now, in the era of sanctions has changed attitudes to favorite fun Russian elite lumbering money?! That you! What do you say, the appetite has grown up!
More recently, two brilliant brother, but with different names applied to the Russian national leader with a modest request. Need a billion rubles!!! Why bother?! Harmful matter. Well, you need them for a good cause, and you already suspected something was wrong. It turns out, Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky terribly concerned about food expensive and nice to their hearts of Russians. The concern is so strong that these creative types could not sleep well. And then create another masterpieces for the State of ...
Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky wants to create a national network of food under the brand "Eat at home!". The filmmakers have already presented their business idea to Vladimir Putin. The President ordered to support its.
But then the authorities were waging to refute the information that these gentlemen-mates will be financed from the budget. Type what you like you can kind of think of it! You have understood everything correctly. Yes, financing will be, but not from the budget and will help investors and a special agency. Okay, there is no reason for concern. Admittedly this with permission to say blue thieves, apparently out of modesty, forgot to mention that the sole founder of the Agency is the State ...
But we digress, let us rather draw clean water all enemies of the Russian State. Who are they? Yes, that's right, think it's the Anglo-Saxons and the acceding to them and very civilized, tolerant Europeans blame. It is they, and no one else. The propaganda machine works at full speed. But two-way combination did not immediately turned out to be.
No, the Crimea was taken, to the great joy of enemies. What is klûnuli, and here's more, it's not matter ...Then I realized that to take it through the Donbass, it really scared by their courage, but not for a long time was that Donbass will repeat the path of Crimea ...
Even when there were all sorts of girkiny and borodai, who literally begging to come in and take the Donbass, the Kremlin has kept a very ambiguous silence, which many have tried to pass off as a very cunning plan. Awareness of the big bases might come, but it has been impossible to play.
There is, and if there is, then I'll ask and answer one question. And how you had to do to the Russian side in the case of the Crimea? Elementary! I prompted, and free of charge. If we really gotta go in hard, not an easy moment for brother take when it granted him a plot of land, it looks like it's not quite nicely. My brother and we time and taken a gift back. But it's a moral component to which great statesmen and politicians, not paying attention, and in any country.
From the point of view of State interests of the Russian State, you had to do a little differently. Do everything that was done, but Crimea had the status of an independent State. Become totally pro-Russian, but a separate State entity. To conclude a Treaty on friendship and cooperation and military assistance ... To keep everything under control. On all counts, see honest eyes on the opponent and say that it was the choice of the people, and we respect this choice ...
And then, in this scenario, there would be no Chinese brothers with an axe, to hang over the Russian Far East. And that is why Russia and China in case you cannot protect their countrymen. And I assure you they did protect them. Meanwhile, the Yes case, son of Siberian gas field China suggested that Abramovich. Don't believe me?! But in vain do not believe it!
Now, if I may, I will say more about a single token, which at least for me, is very important for a proper understanding of the situation. See Crimean bait swallowed, but that is not enough. We should also give support to the Donbass. But as mentioned, frightened by their own courage, the Russian Government has tightened and sabotage this process. No, that would not participate, there isn't one. Assistance, and mainly turns out to be, but this is done very bashfully and camouflaged. ...
And let's see, so does require Russian military assistance in the Donets Basin. I always wonder how, in this scheme of things, is not exactly an effective way of warfare by supporters of the Donbass. One could get an impression that the two sides of the conflict, mimic the struggle, with only one purpose, to inspire the Russian side take the initiative into their own hands ...
See for yourself. Logically, the most efficient for proponents of Donbass, is subversive to the enemy's rear areas. If there is an enemy if he has a strong and very brutal, then ...Why not, at least I have not heard of sabotage on the Ukrainian State. No, I did not call. Only if the fight, then fight, and not mimic the war which killed mostly civilians and naive Patriots on both sides. The most important achievement is the death of people and large flows of refugees, which in most cases have lost everything.
The science of winning, it beat the enemy in the most vulnerable and defenceless position. Where to Donbass supporters sabotage infrastructure? Where deep raids a few subversive groups? Where bombing bridges, water pipelines and railway stations, power supply installations? They do not exist. Why?! Elementary. Business will suffer, both Ukrainian and Russian. And why do they ask for help from the Russian side.
Kidding of course, but with a criminal offence is the slowness and lack of global chess disposition of Russian authorities flatly refused to take the Donbass. Already proposed, and this way or that way, but the heirs of Gorbachev and Yeltsin decided to be content with what is. But ...Guys, do not come here! Take The Donbass. And here it is, after all, usnr, the present topic, and with the mouth of the Russian leader's Press Secretary announced not a topic, and not even a hint of ...
The selection, which was held at the Russian open spaces, is not surprised by the unusually large number of idiots who analyze and give their tips on the leadership of the country. And build a pretty clever scheme and the same schema, then no less tricky to discuss and analyze. The idiocy of pure water, but he finds a lively response and approval from the authorities.
Judge for yourself. A simple example as a small retreat. Let's say you have a friend decide to purchase the car. Gave him the money and wait. And then, with his words, in view of the fact that you suddenly become dušitelem liberties in his family and the family's neighbors, it is not the machine gives you. To put it mildly and broadly speaking, he took the money, and then you just threw, so excuse the slang. Would you be with him at all?!
I understand that simplicity, but nonetheless. History with the delivery of two French vertolëtonoscev suggests a very sad reflection. When the value of the contract in the 1.2 billion euros signed in already 2011 year, the heirs of the French General, decided to show who's boss. And after all this, Russian officials continue to meet with their main Messieurs, shake his hand, to sign a joint agreement to ...Blindness?! Well, Yes, of course ...
This is not blind, it's full of love, and love in the square. More than twenty years, being in power, by engaging in experiments on everything you can and more dangerous on than not, power and the elite requires a continuation of that with the permission of said party. No, it is the right strategy, but here are capitalists and imperialists do not give to make it a reality. They have no thoughts, and that you can and should change course. What you, what you say!!! It is much more efficient to change the title of the strategic course and continue to talk about the Russian geopolitical leadership!!!
And that's a triumph, the enemies are trying to literally make the Russian bear to Donbass. Tolerant rogues and any cheats that they take. There is a reasonable question. Oh, and why would they all should?! That's a good question. I'll try in a few words to describe the situation, although I warn, that could turn out to be rude and without admixture of tolerance.
Want to eat everything. When there is a shortage of everything, then there is a valid question. Where to get?! Everything seems to be good guys, lives nearby, meet, say hello to each other. It means you need to find the bad guys and have them fill the shortage of anything and everything. Like all good?! There is no such one! Poorly searched, if there are good guys, that must be bad guys. You won the Chinese ask, they will tell you about yin and Yang. What?! Found?! Now, can it whenever you want it! Who, Russia?! It must be the same, and it looks quite decent country. Well, then let's start...
If we take into account that by tradition people fail and day without conflict, it did not have to invent anything. Conflicts, it is the eternal necessity, I would say, the fuel to move forward all progressive humanity. Russia has been appointed to the role of the bad guy, and the wheel of history has continued its run. Now going to original files on mal′čiša-plohiša. What we have at the moment.
Russia's bad human rights record
Killing of human rights defenders in Russia
In Russia have prejudiced a fag
Russia very aggressive country
Russia blatantly captured the Crimea
Russian officials and the elite drink blood of babies, and then eat them
Russia fights in Donbass and Ukraine build its statehood
Putin personally shot down the Boeing 777 Malaysian Airlines
Putin with a sniper rifle shot b. Nemcova
This is not a complete list. In the list, be sure to point that the Russian side has captured the Donbass. If anyone remembers, the not quite distant past, one national leader at first allowed and encouraged to take Kuwait, and then ... Well, do you remember what happened afterwards. Here in fact, as it turns out. He is the bad guy, why is bad now! Here's how, in the case of an Islamic State, they have oil, arms, ammunition to ... All are afraid, are afraid of ...And ask where did these guys all this splendor get the cannot or do not want. Apparently found in the vast expanses of sands of ...
Will express one idea at first glance, the touch of schizophrenia, but believe me, it is only at first glance. It seems that the reformatting of Russia, the good guys there is full mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation with their Russian counterparts, depicting bad guys. Please read, especially the second part of the talk, about what you have to look at actions, rather than on the spoken word from high tribunes.
And now, after this with the permission of said obstacle now to the main question. As the Crimea will be back. Drivel and nonsense?! Don't rush to conclusions. It takes place in Russia, which was another requirement, which you want to perform, and otherwise ... For example, your humble servant was invited to study with high ceilings and was asked to help in this matter. Well not for free of course.
Pass at the reception by building brilliant advisers and analysts. On the views I feel that would be able to, they would have me erased a b c powder, but ...I go to the Office, and ...BA!!!! Yes how many familiar faces!!! And at one table sit even seemingly irreconcilable ideological opponents. Just one question. Can you? Don't question it!
So, let's start. For a start, it will take me several political analysts and experts. By the way, can be usefully used of those who were sitting in the waiting room. Divide them into teams and let them start working. These great professionals must in numerous broadcasts have in the information space of the idea that the decision to join the Crimea was a correct one at that time, but some ill-judged and emotional. Yes, we have helped, but now that everything is settled down, thanks to the wise policy of national leaders, the Crimea and let go of the back ...
Window, Usnr, in my opinion, this is the greatest invention of progressive humanity, standing in one row with the invention of the steam engine, wheels, powder ... ....The theme is labeled, stuffing in media space is made, and ...Correct, there is another equally brilliant team of experts and analysts, who are vehemently opposed. Note that both groups and how to speak will give personally, so as not to nalomali firewood.
Then, there is another team that will talk about economic insolvency and monstrous unprofitability. It is very important to attract groups of sociologists, which will conduct the polls. Interviews should clearly show that the inhabitants of the Crimea is very disappointed. This is important.
What?! Bulk?! Of course, and working there. It and its offshoots to it supporters will say, and sometimes cry out that the results of the referendum in Crimea were traditionally rigged, meaning that he logically should not have any legal force. Sure, after my check will be delivered gigabytes of evidence, are manufactured by the best specialists in their field. Admit that you may have to this business, attract and foreign specialists.
Mandatory are necessary witnesses. Moreover, the more they will be, the better. It is very important to tell that in fact, the overwhelming number of inhabitants does not like Russia. This is important. Such certificates must beat out a tear and guilt among Russians for their acts. Will certainly use all the social networks for finger-posts and analyses. I believe that the liberal opposition will cost cheaper than to attract the foreign political strategists.
Will be right, attracting a different kind of Patriots, and both Russian and Ukrainian to the atrocities that are being perpetrated in the Crimea. The emphasis on taking power, criminal and ethnic factions and miserable life of Russians in the Crimea. It is essential to emphasize that this was made possible after the Crimea to Russia. But with all this, you need the Patriots with their passion and rage to protect Russian Crimea. This is important.
It is very important not to forget to go to the Kremlin. Recall that under no circumstances would not interfere in public debate and kept silent. I understand that hard! But we must remain silent! And when silence becomes very suspicious, tongue dry districts, state that all the talk about the status of Crimea are inappropriate and harmful. It's really cheer up people, who by that time will not, something understood.
Don't forget to encourage tourists, especially Ukrainian, which naturally out of idle curiosity, suddenly want to see with their own eyes what is happening in the Crimean land. It is desirable to encourage tourists of fighting age and training. To Commission the Crimean taxi drivers tell tales that the American beacon of the nation in very rough shape ordered Russian national leader must return the Crimea Ukraine, otherwise ...
Draw a fag from politics, there is nothing to stay away from historical processes. Let them tell where you can and cannot, on the withdrawal of Russia from the Crimea. Without fail, with American colleagues will demand that the Ukrainian side that would have strengthened the military grouping in the Crimea. Yes, even at the expense of other areas. Personally, strongly advise the Russian Defense Minister to make a dramatic statement about this, demanding to immediately withdraw Ukrainian troops from the borders with the Crimea. You can present the ultimatum. Select more important.
After a couple of days, a traditionally regular, unannounced, the largest in history, military exercises. Call Barack Obama and ask to speak to the press conference. And not just to address it and declare that the civilized world is such a cunning will not tolerate, and will take the most severe measures. Rested and had a political pause Frau Angela and Monsieur Sarkozy a Charter flight, at night, arrive in the Russian capital, where until the morning lead stressful negotiations with Putin.
They confirm that cowboy Barack's not kidding, and that troops from the Ukrainian border, war supporters to avoid provocations, it is better to turn away from sin. They give the tooth that Ukrainian troops under any circumstances will not be part of the Ukraine, IM so Obama promised, and believe him you can ...
C. Shoygu believes, and Putin's approval, gives troops from the Ukrainian borders. And to prove the pacifist position of the Russian side, provides most of the military forces from the Crimea. Fewer troops than the type, the greater the chance to live in peace. Furthermore, with my help, of course, the Russian side voiced consent in the Crimea, at the request of the good guys, a referendum, which should be a model for all the referendums, which will be in the history of mankind.
Crimean officials certainly will feel that they are simply merge, but ... Offer to help, give them a polite people, so as to discourage the desire to pursue an independent policy. And the answer to all questions that Moscow knows better, and that is very tricky, say that until it's time. Urgent, very urgent, order in printing posters with the slogan, enough to feed the Crimea,,. Prepare the ground for the funding cuts of Crimea ...
Cannot be in such a difficult task, without spiritual SPREP. Kiev sends in Crimea of its main church, in response, the Russian churchmen are silent and pretend that they have a cunning plan, which unlike the cunning plan of the Mir, much more artfully, but ... As you may have guessed, it's not time for his voice. But smart people, of course, everything of course understand. Smart people, so as not to pass tupicami, nod their heads and confirm that they not only understand, but also to realize the enormity and scale of the Church's cunning plan ...
And what, you ask, did I forget about national question. Not only did not forget, but creatively it developed. When all this action, gaining enough speed, the time will be releasing on the political scene of the Crimean Tatars, naturally with an indulgence from the Russian capital, for all kinds of meetings and possible complications after them. With such support, Crimean Tatars began to rock the boat of the Crimean State...All call for a referendum.
All peace-loving people hardened in their anticipation. What will happen now?! Climax approaching. With my naturally tips aunt Valya of Council of Federation of the RF and desirable Uncle Serezha from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are a special statement, widely anonsiruemym in the press. IM no stranger to momentous statements. The theme of this. Again, no one believes that the referendum held in Crimea was honest, something that would prove it, Russia, confident in its case, was prepared to go for a second referendum to finally remove all the questions.
To ensure order during the referendum, together with Crimean police for this order will follow and Ukrainian forces of law and order. It is desirable that would be made by Putin and put very strict condition. Excluded from the Ukrainian side, any participation of the punishers, Bandera, fascists... Emphasize that this is a very fundamental question. Pretending that seriously considers the proposal of the Russian leader, after a couple of days, the uncle of Peter of Kiev will give their consent and honest business floor.
Crimea is transformed. Wherever you can, and most importantly, where not to be displayed next to each other in Russian, Crimean and Ukrainian flags. Former enemies start to jointly patrol the streets, for all sorts of provocateurs. Think of former criminals, you can toss these joint patrols, some of which they valiantly destroyed provocateurs, possibly at the cost of his own life ...
Now, it's time to release the scene brilliant Uncle Serëžu Kurginâna. He is able to explain to the public that the troubled concern there is absolutely no reason. Everything is under control, and if the good guys want to check the willingness of the crimeans have with Russia, it would be folly not to give them that opportunity. Just in case, at my request, the evacuation of the public prosecutor is the aunt of Natasha. And all the questions of the general public on the subject, you must answer that is a routine rotation of prosecutors.
Are essential for the implementation of the plan, several shooting incidents. It is desirable that the victims were both by provocateurs and joint patrols. Required after such events, statements by officials, and both Russian and American. You must explicitly say that all this should be seen as a futile attempt to stop the peace process. Highly desirable burial killed in mass demonstrations to be brutally repressed. And again, in the tradition of compulsory statements by officials of ...
All start shooting at each other. All against all, and ...Correctly. Now, there is an urgent need to restore order to the military. Naturally, Ukrainian. Through misunderstanding, along with regular Ukrainian parts in Crimea are reversed, the effaceurs soldiers, fascists. Crimean officials immediately should seek support from the people and declare the mobilization, but ...At this time, in prime time, on Russian channels, it is highly desirable to run a good soap opera, thereby diverting Russian civil society from sad thoughts. Could Copperfield toured invite to ...
Strongly request Mr Strelkova-Girkin to patriotic resources to appeal to the Russian people. Type, here he is a cunning plan about which so long everyone was talking, but about which no one knew anything. Now, the main task of luring Ukrainian punishers in Crimea, and when there's a lot of hitting on him all the might of the Russian army. Ordered to force the Patriots to make a special statement. With the trembling in his voice that would say, but rather warned Russian citizens not to respond by force, as it inevitably will lead to open confrontation, which are very artful Anglo-Saxons, the hands of Ukrainian Bandera.
The Ukrainian army, by tradition, releases the Crimean land from tyranny. It's the same tradition, people throwing in the air caps and said the liberators that whole life dreaming about this, of course, very happy moment in their lives. Type of Crimea came back, and now you can die. Released in Crimea, necessarily leaves a joint Russian-Ukrainian creative troopers. Singer Ruslana with trembling in his voice says that only faith in this bright moment, did not give it to her to do so long expected previewed self-immolation. Local officials massively changed in the offices of Putin's portrait to portrait p. Poroshenko. Printing cannot print them, and move on to three replacement schedule. The economy starts to revive.
The remains of a local militia after recovering from such perfidy are beginning to have a fierce resistance, but ... At this point you should also address the guarantor of the Russian Constitution, a special statement. The terrible voice of Russia should be heard. The main keynote statement is simple in its brilliance and predictability. Just try it! And yet, of course, people's militia, temporarily stop the offensive and preparing for the future victories of ...
The good and the bad guys have the convening of a multilateral conference. The Conference should be long. The public should not think that all issues have been resolved, on the contrary, it should resemble the difficult negotiations and the search for a compromise. And a compromise will be found, with the full consent of the parties. Crimea to Ukraine, and Russia is, by tradition, hard guarantees the inviolability of their borders. And that no one would doubt, everything arranged to print on coated paper and fasten stamp seal. This is important. Everyone is happy. Curtain.
Raving?! Possible and delirium, but don't rush to conclusions. The good guys, they are really good and smart. The Russian Government hoped that, when agreed with the priority of international norms over national law. Now that the hair is pulling on the head ...
When the material was ready, got a link to a very interesting article. Interesting, that's what. In an interview, the first swallows that window, Usnr, on the Crimea began its work.
It is voiced by Ivan V. Starikov, although the difference in who voices no, throw in the main topic for discussion ...
Here is me and I thought, maybe I'm not mistaken, our reflections?!
That's what I say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
AuthorGorgApril 2015 year
The traditional bonus, on the need to monitor hand magicians. I do not give their evaluations, I'm just looking around. From high tribunes say about loyalty to the traditions of the fathers. And that year, in preparation for the celebration of the victory day on May 9, bashfully zavešivaût mausoleum.
Ran, and then at the end of the year, retired to ....