Dear Friends!!! When you start to meditate on any topic, you did not originally plan on volume of material. Well, you can't do it if you write not to order. It happened in our case. Already there are two pieces written and published material, here and here, but ... Came to the conclusion that it's time to honor and know enough to talk about things which are beyond regret and sadness are nothing. You can speculate as much as you like for a long time, but I think that the basic idea presented, and therefore turn to the final part of our reflections.
So what will happen next, and how events will unfold. Do not sin against the truth that for the Russian elite and the authorities, the situation will worsen more and more. The reason is obvious. This category of citizens is, in principle, not reformiruema and not capable of effective governance. Moreover, not only the management of economic processes, but also political, which is no less important. Simulation of the steel and greed, these gentlemen-mates is in the genes, that excludes any educational work of ...
But back to this raspiarennoj meeting in Minsk. No, the Belarusian father, extracted the maximum benefit from all this circus performances, attended by European politicians. Well done, when you smiled when you painted on the face of the concerns when to priobnâl European Jeanne d´Ark, she is the incomparable pionerka Angel. Each raped its profit and would seem to be pleased with, but ...
Well met. Drank coffee in large numbers. Meal scrambled eggs, carefully prepared by the Belarusian side. Drank spirits. And then what?! What happened?! The victory of common sense, or perform another ultimatum by the Russian side. No, I understand perfectly well that they read not very nice gentlemen-fellow-Patriots-gosudarstvennikam. But we should not forget that one is definitely a very smart man. But he said a phrase that needs to be cast in gold and place on the table of each policy. But this should have been done yesterday, perhaps many unpleasant things could have been avoided.
For accuracy not vouch, but the point is that no matter what they want, it is important that any opponents they have opportunities. A brilliant idea in its simplicity. I have already talked about the genius of Russian diplomacy. Another would be to surrender, as a great victory and defend national interests ...
I wonder why the Russian delegation included Mr v. Surkov. No, I understand perfectly well what he has done and is doing everything that would draft the new Russia was completed, but why go out of the shadow cabinet. I don't think I wanted fame, apparently decided to stretch your bones and remind about yourself. An operation that was to culminate in the stage, and his presence was essential. Maybe I went in with your supporters celebrate victory ...
What do Americans?! Brilliant move!!! They appoint a new Defense Minister, who was Mr e. Carter. Evil tongues say that the new Defense Minister is very aggressive and is a supporter of tighter sanctions against Russia. In addition, say bureaucratic step, restless Americans naturally through Congress, will deliver the lethal weapons of Ukraine.
Together: easy to beat, and in our case: no, and Vladimir Putin. And the beat is not alone, and the entire coalition. And want to ask a rhetorical question. And could the prudish British stay away when it went this holiday?! No, of course not!!! And they still are not left behind. The most British of the shroud with the eye slept overnight. They suddenly worried about the origins of funds in bank accounts. No, not all, of this I hasten to reassure the world community. Only funds belonging to the Russian, not making exceptions for politically kindred souls. All means all.
To explain the origin of the money, and if that, then ...Understand yourself, or if you like stranglehold of money the blackmailing, the most effective means. It's like it used to be. The Russian elite had a fallback option. Type, if it is really bad, and further theft of Russian assets will be difficult, we'll go live in a distant city London, where as in humans. And now it turns out that damn imperialists and capitalists were the last hope ...
Impossible not to say a few words about Saudi Arabia. I understand that the East is certainly a delicate matter. Thin enough so that it is not going through the best of times, I decided to help the Coalition certainly a boon for Putin's ones. It's like the capricious children, here's a wish that Putin has left. Here let leave period. Or rather not point, and voiced by the new oil price of 20 dollars. And the idea that you can help yourself to a neighbor to spite the ears, in this case, does not pass.
What about the most important?! What's with the outcome of these talks?! And nothing, the result is zero, not to say brilliant experts and not less brilliant political analysts. But there is a real, and not on the words of defeat of Russian diplomacy. The Ukrainian side was time that will certainly benefit used to restore the operational capability and re-equipment of the armed forces. Many continue to throw caps into the air from the contemplation of heartwarming television images, which are massively Ukrainian soldiers prisoner of ...
The time gained is obvious, but ...Few people notice that nothing is binding the documents are signed only wonder who represents a group of people. As for the leaders, it is outside of reasonable. They simply express a political declaration without putting their signature on any document. What to sign, if all this action in practice turned out to be the usual circus performed by visiting many.
And what about gingerbread?! Don't worry, there were gingerbread. Not that the gingerbread, so tasty!!! Cute Frenchie and incomparable Angel duo sang a song that praised Putin for his help in exerting pressure on the leaders of the South-East of Ukraine, who all sat through a meeting in a waiting room. But the Russian leader would have no Vertigo of success, were quick to point out that however the Minsk agreement did not guarantee lasting success in Ukraine.
Remember, operationStorm,,?! Both have forgotten?! But nothing lost, it was a brilliant multi-move combination. Many of the lessons of the Yugoslav events are forgotten, apparently of great modesty. Back then, and now all the cover exclusively peacekeeping motives and pious desire to separate the warring parties.
The population will continue to tell the tale ubaûkivaûŝuû main thesis which is brilliant in his idiocy is the idea that nothing is more important than peace. Those who still believe in the genius of Russian diplomats, want to remind their perception of extremely unpleasant fact which needs no evidence. Even today, it is known in certain circles in Kiev, was an usurper, Bob of confectioner whose hands are covered in blood, but ...
Today he is a legitimate President and the Russian Federation recognized this fact no, I understand that everything is done in good faith, but the fact remains that already forgotten statements that legitimately-elected Yanukovych, he Pan, Professor, was and remains the only guarantor of the Ukrainian Constitution ... see, what an amazing metamorphosis occurred for a year brilliant victories of the incomparable Mr Lavrovto ...
While talking about the Kiev konditere, then I would say that after the Minsk meeting, this gentleman in Brussels and where else, said that any autonomy and federalization would not. And as čërtiki of the box, it is supported by European leaders. In this harmonious choir of European Liberal idiots, not lost the voice of American friends. The Democrats at the gene level, said the Minsk agreement, binding can only incorrigible optimists.
What we have with the local elections in the South-East of Ukraine?! All of the previously scheduled. Elections, if held, that under the full control of the Ukrainian authorities and Ukrainian laws. There is a new word in the lexicon of politicians. The so-called modalities of elections. Beautiful sounds, but only in veiled form disguises delegitimizaciû authorities in the South-East. What's next?! And then the full control of the border and the economic blockade of the rebel republics.
Women are fickle, and women in politics, it is beyond reasonable... Not had time to cool the engine the aircraft on which the uletala of the Belarusian capital the incomparable Angela, as she is in Brussels, where else, said that sanctions against Russia would be expanded. In as you! And she's very cute smiling, hoping that it will accrue. Cute Frenchman immediately recalled the unfortunate,, Mistralâh,,. The type that the conditions for their transfer to the Russian side had still not been implemented. We would be happy to, money it received, but to blame the Russian side, which does not want to implement these conditions ...
And what wonder!!! Cute Angel and cute frenchies Hollande, to anyone, anywhere and no guarantees were not given and will not give. And the words ...Words that are known to cause podoš′ëš′, not more so, it is always possible to refer to progressive sclerosis and terrible forgetfulness.
What's next?! As you have not yet understood. Will the next victory of Russian diplomacy!!! Crimea still have as much almost passed the South-East. Don't believe me?! In vain do not believe. The American State Department has officially stated that the return of Crimea under Ukrainian jurisdiction, is not yet a top priority. At the moment, the important thing is to return to the native Harbor in the South-East of Ukraine. And then, of course it's time to talk about Crimea. Hint understood?! We will put pressure in stages, to the lightest moment of surrender of Putin.
Despite the heroic struggle for peace in the world, the Russian national champion, with great probability it can be said that the war did not avoid many brilliant experts love to quote Sir Winston Churchill: ,, peacemaker is a man feeding crocodiles in the hope that they will eat him last. "Stupid that you say here ... it would be more accurate to say that all crocodiles, the orderlies forests and rivers Identified the most weak and will either eat upor turned into obedient vegetable.
When all this shamelessness started?! Who knows how many people, so many opinions, but ...Can the forgotten song of Prince Oleg, and replaced this song, the soldier Ivan Chonkin. Maybe so, but this is just my opinion ...
That's what I say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
AuthorGorgFebruary 2015 year
Site Card Alexander (Sandro) Djordjadze