Dear Friends!!! In the first part of our little conversation we casually walked through the main players of the world of chess. Allow me, as promised, to tell why the so-called terpily, is selected it is Russia.
Just imagine a situation, when in a dark alleyway stopped Gopnik lone citizen. Presented?! So, they did not immediately make it terpilu. You, and all of a sudden he has friends, authoritative, and all of a sudden he has a gun, and suddenly he is athlete of ...Its just starting to sound out the weak. So to say small steps down lower and lower, down to the baseboards.
And all this is done up to a certain point with a cute smile and a pohlopyvaniâmi on the shoulder. Sometimes even another call to ... But the result is logical. How much does not ustupaj, there will always be enough concessions and then gradually there comes a time when the smile fades with Gopnik and bestial grin of ...
Don't know why, but many are judging on Russian politics for the words that are spoken and are declared in the documents. Fundamentally wrong attitude for reflection. We should not look at what is being said and what is done. That's the only right approach to the understanding of the situation. So, let's see, what was said and what was done by the Russian authorities, in the light of developments related to Ukraine. Why these events?! Yes because Russia has already been assigned to the role of victim, and Gopnik in ties and with a smile on their faces, met her in the alleyway of ...
Tactics of concessions, hoping to make a difference and gain time to any good has not caused and will not lead. Appetite comes with eating, and civilized Gopnik really want to eat.
All of you probably remember the Geneva Accords, when valiant Minister Lavrov, as he seemed to have made a profitable exchange. He then saw, he traded the Donbass in Crimea. Brilliant stupidity, the consequences of which would have later. A rhetorical question about whether to trust the West will leave unanswered. SAG under the changeable world, you can ad infinitum, but none that sacrifice prized. Did not appreciate and favorite Russian oligarchs West. Or rather regarded as a concession and weakness, and to continue to put pressure on Russia.
Add to all this the Chinese comrades who sided with an axe and began to wait for the right occasion. Crimean precedent, this is what is missing in China, to justify territorial claims and make it civilized gloss. ...
A thoughtful reader may ask, what preceded the Geneva Accords?! I Will Answer. European Parliament, zabodaj his mosquito, passed a resolution calling on Russia to drop no less, and the construction of a gas pipeline, South stream,,. But the resolution was preceded by sanctions. What?! Brilliant in its simplicity and effectiveness.
President of the United States, the incomparable Barack Obama, March 17, 2014, announced the signing of a decree imposing sanctions against some Russian officials. What they were?! You will not believe, but in real trifle. The freezing of bank accounts, seizure of property and denial of entry visas. Originally only seven people but evil and misfortune start ...
It's only been three days, and already 20 March, this list was significantly expanded. Added the businessmen, which is considered to be friends of the Russian leader, as well as, that niggle, imposed sanctions against the Bank, Russia,,. Think everything?! No so! It has been a little over a week, and 27 March, the next surprise. Refusal to cooperate with Russia in the fight against drugs and a ban on issuing licenses to American companies to export to Russia for some products.
Further more. The next day, March 28, and the press so to press, was terminated the licensing of exports of defence values. Two more days passed, and already 30 March, stopped the work of the Russian-American Presidential Commission. After two days, namely 2 April, ceased cooperation by law enforcement authorities.
If there are doubts about the data, then I can trace the chronology of events. I assure you, if I made a mistake, and then a day or two, but no more. Another day. Though they say that morning, PM mudrenee, but 3 April, was suspended cooperation in the space sphere, except ... Yes, sanctions, sanctions, but the international space station, under them surprisingly omitted.
It All?! What are you, this is just a warm up. Four-day passes, 7 April and cooperation in the field of weapons of mass destruction, the so-called Nunn-Lugar program. Even four days later, on April 11, sanctions against the leadership of the Crimea.
Nice Mina, when a bad game. Pain of sanctions is evident, although the Kremlin claims to the contrary. The banking system of Russia showed its complete dependence on the United States. Began a series of humiliations that have already it was impossible to hide. As usual, the Russian electorate warned that there comes a time when you will need to tighten, pull the belt. An interesting case, stole and brought the State's mediocre politics alone, and here is the responsibility of the proposed split.
Any cheats that you say here. When they steal, sorry, cut dividends, then it's certainly earned back-breaking oligarchic labour. When the losses, then remembers about the State and required to repay them with public funds. Well done, what you say here.
But back to the Geneva agreements. The next day, 18 April, namely Barack and Angela require Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine, threatening new sanctions. No Russian troops there?! Then put the question differently. Regular Russian troops to lay down their arms and leave the territory. These brilliant Western politicians are no less brilliant Ukrainian politicians. On April 25, they also require Russia to withdraw its troops from the Russian-Ukrainian border, otherwise ...
In order that the Kremlin quickly thought, 28 April, the EU expanded the list of persons affected by the sanctions, and the Americans it creatively expanded, adding a regular public officials and a couple dozen Russian companies. Well ...Yes, 2 may, events in the city of Odessa. Cowardly silence from the Kremlin and the lack of any reaction ...
Barak and Angela are performed in full. On May 5, they have warned Russia that a failure of elections in Ukraine will be very costly in Putin. Then the inevitable extension of the sanctions, said the Lord-comrades at a joint press conference. And to ensure that the client did not dërgat′sâ on the hook, 7 may come to the Russian capital, President of the Swiss Confederation and head of the OSCE, Didier Burkhalter. Unknown what they talked about, but ...
At the final press-conference on the Putin not was. And he said without batting an eyelid that you want to move the forthcoming referendum in the South-East of Ukraine. Few people remember, but the Russian leader said that the elections in Ukraine, it turns out, this is a move in the right direction. And no one thought that has occurred to be cowardice, declared that Russian troops are discharged from the Ukrainian border.
The ultimatum is made, and it is time to take a breath?! No so! After such a performance, the Americans expelled from Russia, the United States, imports of specific types of goods. And the next day, on May 8, the new requirement. The referendum in the South-Eastern part of Ukraine, should be cancelled and not rescheduled, and otherwise ...Well you have already understood, otherwise new sanctions.
And 9 May ... Yes, Bc shot...A few days later, on May 11, passed referenda in Lugansk and Donetsk. And passed with absolutely no response from the Russian authorities. The next day, the EU recalled its demand, the disqualification of the Russian troops from the Ukrainian border. And sanctions, forgive, forget, how without them! The European Union has once again expanded the list of individuals subject to sanctions, and increased the number of companies falling under them.
Three more days passed, and already on May 15, Ukraine urged Russia to withdraw its troops from the border. Even four days later, on May 19, the Russian leader welcomed Kiev's contacts with supporters of federalization. Welcomed so much that immediately instructed with. Shoigu to withdraw from the border. Why?! You won't believe this, but ...Putin, he was sitting, and he spotted it, that there are favourable conditions for election of the President of Ukraine. True evil tongues say that chickened out, but this is evil tongues that they take ...
Did?! Well done, get the next task!!! The next day, Angela, though without Barak, called on Putin to accept the results of elections in Ukraine, scheduled for 25 May. And not just accept, but with all my respect to the choice of voters. A little thinking, three days later, on 23 May, Putin makes a statement that Russia will respect the choice of the Ukrainian people. On May 24, and he assured the Angel, and joined to it's. Don't think anything wrong, all these steps are not from cowardice, but only in the interest of stability in Ukraine.
May 25 is coming, and the presidential elections in Ukraine have been the victory of p. Poroshenko, and everything was decided in the first round. A genius confectioner defeated its competitors. Notably, the third place was taken by Fr. Lyashko, FAG, in the best sense of the word.
Congratulate confectioner Petya, or not congratulate?! That is the question!!! Flour the political impotence made to portray the determination and bravery. Already 28 may, Putin's aide, Yury Ushakov said that compliment or not congratulate Petro Poroshenko will be decided, after the announcement of the official results of the elections of the President of Ukraine. Well, that is, anything can be ...Although the electorate, it was recalled that the Russian leader earlier said that with respect to his election results.
Go to the inauguration in Kiev, or not go?! Simulation intrigue, mouth in Valentina Matvienko. Type, we define who will, after receipt of a formal invitation. So what would finally pacify international Gopnik, it declared respect for the choice of the Ukrainian people and readiness for dialogue with the new authorities. Short memory, as was the fascist regime, the coup and other big words ...
The next step, it is certainly a recognition of the new Ukrainian authorities. And now, three days later, on 1 June, the next requirement. We will allow, that South stream, in Exchange for recognition of the new Government of Ukraine. Brilliant!!! This tradition was not enough, and on June 4, a new statement by Barak. Type of relations with the United States could be restored, of course if ...Putin certainly has to recognize the election of the President of Ukraine. But don't just recognize and find an opportunity to meet with Petya Poroshenko. It All?! There is of course, what you like small children!!! You need to force the militia to the South-East of Ukraine, not to attack Ukrainian troops. Otherwise ...Well, you have already understood, what will ...
The intrigue was resolved in the most amazing way. In Kiev, as reported June 5 rides m. Zurabov, he is Ambassador, here, the Ambassador, he there ... The meeting took place on June 6 in Normandy. And not just meeting and shaking hands with Putin and p. Poroshenko. Like all the requirements are met, but it seems to you dear friends. Yes, old demands are met but on the agenda, it seems the new requirements.
What about the South, flow,,?! Well, nothing, another ultimatum on the agenda. Russia's Federation Council should reverse the decision on the use of the Russian armed forces on Ukrainian territory, and plan joint action to close the borders, where there are armed conflicts ...
The next day, June 7, inauguration p. Poroshenko, at which Russia was m. zurabov. One performed, and that the border closure?! And then complete the order!!! Border service of FSB to introduce all the measures to strengthen the Russian-Ukrainian border, to prevent the illegal crossing.
The next day, 8 June meeting of the tripartite contact group on the implementation of the peace plan. Five days later, on June 14 is storming the Embassy of Russia in Kiev. Pan Dešica, a very emotionally and with great affection about the Putin and ... And that, and,,?! Ten days later, on June 22, the Russian President's peace plan has been supported by the genius of the Ukrainian confectioner. It All?! A compote, forgive, and order?! And now, 24 June, Putin invited the Council of the Federation to cancel Decree on the use of the Russian troops on Ukrainian territory. The Reason?! Brilliant!!! It turns out, began three-way talks on the settlement of the situation ...
Tired?! Well, who says Wade through the smokescreen of lies and disinformation would be easy!?! Who said that the Office of chaff, beans will be quiet now! Let's not whine, and move on. Is only one day, June 25, and the new ultimatum. It turns out that Russia should indeed confirm that wants peace. And this requires concrete steps to stabilize the situation in Ukraine.
What?! Brilliant!!! Stop the supply of weapons, and encourage separatists to lay down their arms. But that's not all. To withdraw Russian troops and equipment to the border and help free lost in UA OSCE observers. And until these demands are met, the Americans and the Europeans will be forced to continue the pressure on Russia.
What is this doing, Southern thread,?! Listen, you've got provocative questions!!! The press must read!!! The next day, June 26, the Eu offered to take on this project and wait until it becomes consistent with European law. And for particularly slow-witted clarified that one has to wonder whether now is suitable and the time for the signing of various agreements on this project ...
And that Putin responded?! Not guessed?! As always, without changing the složivšeûsâ tradition. After four days, with shutter speed, 30 June, the Ukrainian side were invited along to control border of ...
You know, and I am tired ...Honestly!!! Examples as much as possible all these concessions to publish a separate book very large circulation and giving away a Masters-fellow Patriots for free. A single word is the Russian Foreign Ministry. Well Done you! A very important task to solve the diplomats. It is only the unknowing in politics people don't understand the obvious things. How to make ultimatums and preserve the face?! As, handing over national interests, however, tell the electorate how they defended heroically and firmly.
What's next?! Not guessed?! New ultimatums. If anyone guessed, then explain on the fingers. Remember the events in Yugoslavia. Remember?! Then it will be easier for you to understand the genius of the script. In the Ukrainian theatre of war required the two opposing parties. They set up and feel fine. The next stage, by all means, under any pretext, and enter a slogan for foreign troops. Name this contingent as who likes, it doesn't change the fact.
During this time, amplified by the Ukrainian army. Then provocation to show that committed heinous crimes against peacekeepers, civilians, the elderly and children. Who's to blame?! Objective investigation will show that this traces leading to the South-East of Ukraine. Must be punished!!! And it will be punished, despite another concern of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Another version of events. By tradition, all who do not lay down their weapons, will kick off democratic gifts from the air. Remember Yugoslavia. Air force raids, and more than enough motivation to train. ...
Betrayal of the Serbs, is children's prank, in comparison with what is happening now. And here the Slavs shoot Slavs before the eyes of the civilized world. The civilized world, which, of course, no one in this situation and wants only one. To stop this senseless carnage. Of course I believe that civilized people and not in any way want them identified with punks. And if it happened, then it is an unfortunate coincidence.
Pro, Minsk-2, is, I don't want to even write. But apparently will have to. The situation is changing very quickly, but nevertheless, still controllable. What will the so-called Minsk arrangement?! We will talk about this in part 3.
Long turned out, but this is my view of the situation. And I want to emphasize, this is my view of the situation, not my opinion on the matter. Your opinion, I have by tradition, leave for friends and loved ones ...
To be continued.
That's what I say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
By Gorg February 2015 year