The father of the peoples. The ingenious leader and teacher. How much ещ ё excellent
Words was said. And all these words concerned to one man. И.В.Сталину.
So who he, this political figure. Good or bad. Ingenious, or mediocrity. And ещ ё it is a lot of and many questions. On all of us, certainly answer we can not. But, at least, we shall try even to come nearer to understanding, person
This character.
So, that is put in a merit И.В.Сталину. Let's to look. One very much, as he considers(counts), the clever comrade, has said. That Сталин has accepted country with plough, and has handed over е ё with
By nuclear bomb. At Сталине, there was an order. The father of the Peoples, has won war. Has protected
Our Native land from external and internal enemies. And ещ ё much that has made. All shall not be
To list(transfer). Впору a monument, such man to put. As to monuments, it
In general separate history. And вс ё rest, requires(demands) consideration.
Let's not be мелочиться. When begin conversation on this person, many
Get in a trap psychological. They operate with figures, events, by achievement … Can вс ё it and is. But everything, why that bypass party, one, on
My sight the very important and main question. And if all events to consider(examine) through
This prism, вс ё it is obvious and simply. Yes, there were achievement. There were doubtless successes.
There was a jerk forward. But … ….
Why to not be set by a question. What price, вс ё it is achieved by. How much, for the sake of
These successes, is brought of human life, on an altar, power of the country. You see,
In each family, there are injureds of these majestic plans. It turns out, that
Human life, anything, in comparison with the achieved purpose. The purpose leaves, that
Justifies means. Добьёмся at any cost. So it turns out. Then a question. Whether it is necessary
To us such power.
If it is absolutely simple, present. You have family, native, close. All of you
Live together. And chapter of family have established казарменные and prison orders, for the sake of that,
What a facilities(economy) and house, were advanced. For a slightest fault, in a hole. Or ещ ё,
Than that it is worse, simply kills. He can and will reach(achieve) the planned purpose. But say, personally
You, this variant of life, will arrange, whether or not.
It is easy to speak, about судьбах of the country, about victims … …. As speak, that Сталин, considered(counted)
Plenty of victims, statistics. Such statistics is necessary to you. When обезумевший
The father, in your family, so will act with семьёй. What you will say? Same, will be
To admire with him(it). He you see, what facilities(economy) has lifted. And that мамку загубил. The brothers,
The sisters, and other native people. So you see the purpose great was put. Will not be.
And we eulogize, it(him), destroyed millions our people. Ours close and
Native. To us try to explain, that all of them were, though in what, but are guilty. They,
Were guilty, only in one, that were born, there, where were born. But Native land you see, not
And ещ ё. By one of the main merits, him attribute, Victory in war. I can and
I am mistaken, but at me another мненье about the winner. War has won not Сталин. In war,
The winners were Иван, Микола, Ашот, Вахтанг … … And many, many simple мужики
And woman, with everything, then ещ ё of the immense country. The true winners. All
The Soviet people, as it пафосно sounds.
And all полководческий the genius of the leader, was reduced only to one. The people we have a lot of,
That them to pity(regret). And them did not pity(regret). To be at war not by number, and уменьем, did not find room in heads
стратегов. Agree, the military operations were studied. But in all from them it was taken into account,
That gun meat, at us will suffice. And have won, having covered a road to a Victory, corpses
Is sick? Very much. Is insulting? Ещ ё as. But it is our history. What is. That was, was. Main to remember and to not overlook(forget).
And you, that think, in this occasion.
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. Январь.2010.