For a long time wanted to write clause on this theme. Yes only hands, вс ё did not reach in any way.
Only соберёшься with ideas, and the life throws other themes. Also it was impossible.
And can to each clause, сво ё time. Can and so.
Often I hear words, that earlier, in коммунизм nobody believed, and a party(set) entered,
For increase of the status, and for reception certain(determined) material and
The social boons. Probably, the share of the truth in these judgements also is. Though, on my way,
Vital, there were also others коммунисты. Well yes good, speech not about them. Let them
Consider(count) bad, but base for present generation, they have created. And base not bad.
Let's return presently. And, what we see? The certain quantity(amount) псевдо of parties(sets),
And one main party(set). Interestingly that itself, financially, they to ensure(supply) not
Can. Also are fed basically at the expense of the budget, though carefully it hide. And
The first comparison with past строем. A difference, that besides the basic party(set),
It is necessary to contain ещ ё and all this theatre. Simply of people, which do not want, and can not work, became more. Whence they have undertaken? Yes, вс ё therefrom. From недр КПСС,
Which they now, with such eagerness will wear(defame). And the communication(connection), with which, is considered black
By stain in the biography. But in all times, we always had main party(set). Give
Let's look narrowly at her more closely(more attentively). A party(set) of authority, namely so е ё name, has
One, well very much characteristics. If КПСС, was not a party(set), concrete leader, and there was a party(set) of a ruling class, a Party(set) of Authority, complete to her
Contrast. Is a party(set), which creates, under the concrete person. And while,
This person at authority, all amicably run to enter the name in not ё. Organize meetings
Numerous. Basic weight of the people, on which, is the workers budget
Organizations, students, schoolboys. It is called, as before as national support. And than they differ from so hated by them КПСС. A lion's share,
The members of a party(set) of authority, are made by(with) the officials. And where with him(it) poor to disappear. Also go
Amicably under banners of the next party(set). How much them already were, these parties(sets) of authority. Yes,
Approximately as much, how much was of the leaders. The simply same people, smoothly, beautifully,
Pass from one party(set) of authority, in another. Hotly support all initiatives
The new leader. Each word it(him), announce ingenious. On complete серьёзе, are surprised.
As, these simple things said by the leader, they did not understand earlier. But now,
They вс ё actively will begin it to put into practice. Also will wait, new, ingenious
The instructions(indications). Under the large bill, to these politics, вс ё is equal in what party(set) to consist.
Main what to remain in the studies, and to continue nothing to do(make).
Present, for one minute, that to authority has returned КПСС. Above Kremlin, реет scarlet стяг.
The officials, morning просыпаются. They in a shock. It is necessary urgently to buy in underground
Transitions the party tickets, which they in запале классовой of struggle have thrown out.
Cleverest and cautious have not thrown out, and have postponed for any case. Begin
To prepare speeches the governors. Сво ё presence at old authority, will be мотивировать that,
That in process of forces and opportunities, harmed to her, thus, approaching returning КПСС.
Say, cooperated with a democratic mode, what вс ё to hold under the control.
Доносы will begin to write, on the former colleagues, on a former party(set) of authority. To make
The list of businesses, which they sabotaged. Well, I think, with this list, at them the problems will not be. And again they will stay in the studies, and поведут us to next, light
To the future. To these comrades - misters, вс ё is equal, under what banner, and in structure, with what
Parties(set) to go forward. If only on a tribune, if only in the chapter. To condemn them? And for what?
They such, what are. And others they any more will not be. To good, get used very much
Quickly. Yes, and if to take, whom be from us. To give him, certain quantity(amount) of the boons.
Time, on accustoming, to all to this. Whether many from us, begin to risk all these
By abundance. And family. And children. It depravity by system, citizens. Only,
Is thought to me, that the system can corrupt those who can be corrupted initially.
Who is ready, that it(him) would corrupt. Who goes purposefully to such depravity.
And вс ё, that would be desirable to say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. November. 2009.
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