Very many years, since those tragical days have passed already. And memory, sometimes, again
Comes back to those sad events. My ideas, my enemies. The consciousness, does not want
To believe, that I now shall try to state. Periodically, on newspaper strips.
From television screens, there passes the information, about the seismic weapon. Easier
Speaking, about an opportunity, artificial way to call earthquake, in the necessary place, and
In the necessary time. It is interesting, that there is no question, about that, there is this weapon, whether or not.
The question only in at what stage of development, it is. I think, I shall not be mistaken,
If I shall say, that it already for a long time is created, and is used. Whence, such reliance?
Let's recollect. All, probably, remember, what monstrous earthquake, has comprehended(overtaken)
Armenia, at the end of the last century. The tragedy, which has destroyed huge quantity(amount)
The people. Has erased, from the person of ground, city. Has destroyed economy. To a mountain, large, as
To speak. And now, recollect, that occured, in that time. Correctly. The militarian
The conflict, because of Нагорного Карабаха. I, in the mind(wit). But …. Give, leave emotions,
Also we shall switch on reason and logic. How to extinguish this conflict? The simple means no. And now,
Present, as the earthquake, has appeared, by the way, from the political point of view. By time,
All problems were decided(solved). The truth, as always, for the bill burning the people. After earthquake,
It was possible loudly to speak, about what. As, in this really, tragical moment, it is possible to speak, about independence, about the sovereignty Нагорного Карабаха. It is not a shame to you.
Вс ё has departed on the second plan. And who disagrees, with such point of view, that enemy of the people.
Delirium? Do not hurry up, to accuse, me of dementia. I am very close(attentive), read press
Those days. Really, our native state, went on such cynical step, concerning the own people. While, I shall say, one. Very much, I doubt, that the authority likes the people. Besides, there are maximum interests, with which she likes
To be covered. Well. We admit(allow), I am mistaken. But let's consider, ещ ё one fact.
Remember, a bit later, there was an earthquake in Georgia. It is a little
More poorly, on capacity, than in Armenia. But вс ё strong enough. Have recollected? Well. And now, recollect, that occured in Georgia, on that moment. Correctly, was
The military conflict connected with Осетией. Whether there are a lot of concurrences. It is necessary to be formed
To the conflict, and the earthquake, does not force itself long to wait. I see, yet has not convinced.
The main argument, I have reserved for a dessert. Look. The scientists know, that animals, very much
Are sensitive, as against the man. About these, I think, nobody will argue. The fact,
Well-known, that, feeling earthquake, they begin to leave(abandon) the dwellings.
The snakes уползают, from the refuges. The home cattle, submits signals … ….. A nature,
Feels an approaching trouble, on one, her to known attributes. But, it only
In the event that the earthquake, is called by the natural factors.
The censorship, probably badly has worked. In press slipped the stories of the eyewitnesses, when
They were very much surprised, that the fauna, has not felt an approaching trouble.
And you see owed. But has not felt. Probably there were no attributes approaching
Troubles. The nature, it катаклизма, was other. Artificial.
Has written, вс ё it, and was struck wildnesses(absurdity), assumption. Then how to explain,
вс ё above-stated. Well, is not believed, that so the authority, with the people could act(arrive).
Is not believed, and вс ё. On it, probably, account also was under construction. That nobody will believe. And, that
Concerns authority, two obvious pluss, she has received. First, it that, even on
Time, the conflict was frozen. And second, have lead(carried out) test of the seismic weapon.
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. November. 2009.
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Пн, 03 мая 2010, 13:45:07 Ответить
Чт, 06 мая 2010, 21:35:40 Ответить
Вс, 02 мая 2010, 18:26:09 Ответить
Сб, 24 апр. 2010, 08:53:50 Ответить
Сб, 24 апр. 2010, 09:54:53 Ответить
Сб, 03 апр. 2010, 16:39:23 Ответить
Сб, 03 апр. 2010, 18:23:31 Ответить
Пн, 29 марта 2010, 12:39:35 Ответить
Пн, 29 марта 2010, 12:48:35 Ответить
Чт, 25 марта 2010, 08:46:39 Ответить
Чт, 25 марта 2010, 08:13:26 Ответить
Сб, 20 марта 2010, 11:37:04 Ответить