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С 29.11.09

Man and Woman


Loneliness, as illness. To us is simply sad.

 There comes Autumn. With this beautiful at times, frequently connect such words, as, loneliness, грусть,
  The grief, melancholy … .Но such condition of soul, happens not only autumn. It can last very much
  Long. At the men and the women it passes on any other business. Вс ё depends on the man. One, on spirit, not
  Transfer loneliness. And others with bread do not feed, give побыть one. Not necessarily in
    Loneliness грустить. Sometimes, it very much helps to result in the order think. Simply, to stop,
 To transfer(translate) spirit. And then to run further, on this life. All of us, where that hurry up in this life.
 We are afraid, that that to not have time(be in time). And with age, we are afraid to not have time(be in time) more, than in youth. Probably,
    From that is more understood. The man so is arranged, that it happens simply it(him) it is necessary побыть
 To one. At the same time, it(he) needs to be uttered. Paradox. We скрытны, were afraid, that us not
 Will understand. But we search for the interlocutor what to give vent to soul. If beside the favourite man, the problem is not present.
   With the close man, always it is possible to talk. Not always in sex to be engaged. Утрирую,
 Certainly. It is simple, besides there is an animal passion, there is a passion and spiritual.
 When search native soul, from which heat and is quiet on soul. When, is possible to tell about
 травинку, with капелькой of dew. And you will understand, and will not twist by a finger at a temple. You see, that would not speak,
    We up to the end of life, остаёмся by children in soul. Who would be desirable, what it(him), as in childhood, for everyone that
 Has stroked on a head. Simply so. But, when us begin to iron, we pretend, that it to us not
 It is pleasant. Врём, certainly. We the adults. Having done mistakes, it would be desirable, that us would understand, and have justified.
 To ourselves, we do not recognize in some things.
    Some, search for native soul, all life. Though, the people have family, children. And they search. The truth,
 One way, they, why that do not notice. And it(he) very simple. The ready, native soul, does not happen.
 There is an another's native soul, which, by virtue of circumstances, has remained one. She(it) can, to become yours
   By native soul, but not always. Why to not look at the people, which are near to you.
And gradually, not hurrying up itself to do(make) of this man native soul. For itself. Difficultly? Yes.
  Sometimes, this employment(occupation), appears by very ungrateful(thankless) business. Betray? Yes, betray. Guarantees,
 Any. But then, it is possible to tell, itself. I have made, вс ё, that could. The easy decisions do not happen.
   All of us different. And destiny different at us. Not вс ё it turns out in life. At times we live not how
We want. At times we live, not with whom we want with. But ….. Always considered(counted), and I consider(count). It is necessary always to remain
By the man. Not зря, I have deduced(removed) it by the motto of a site, having placed these words in a cap of a site. Difficultly?
   Not that word. And other way is not present. You see the time will come, and us will come to leave(abandon) this world. In anyone
Case, everyone will run mentally all life. Will be. Everyone. Collided with it. I know.
    And, when already to correct it is impossible anything. The account goes at o'clock and minutes. Then occurs
 Regret. That was not up to the end the man.
    That that, I расчувствовался. The autumn, probably, works. And can, the time has come to not write clause,
 On what be a theme, and simply to talk. We you see the people, eventually. Though, I understand,
That the most terrible animal, is the man. So it also is. Погрустим, погрустим, and then again we continue
 To run in this life. Most interesting, that, only having was born, we steadily come nearer
 By the end. And than longer we live, the closer is the end of the way. It turns out, it is necessary to reject
   Pleasures of life and грустить? Is not present. It is necessary to live. By complete life. For itself to live. To live for those people, which
 Already is not present with us. Which having not time(were in time) to live, by virtue of the different reasons. But always to remember, and to appreciate
 вс ё, that near to us. When I see нытиков, is not free I recollect the people, which are sick. They
 Very much want to recover. And нытик, healthy man, to which вс ё it is bad. Simply, it(he) ещ ё does not know,
   That such is bad, actually.
 Has talked. As that became quiet on soul. That and you I wish. As one hero spoke. Calmness,
   Only calmness.
   And вс ё.
   I am not forgiven. Protect itself. Before meetings.

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