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Aggressive устремления are very dangerous.
In opinion of the winner of the Nobel Prize Конрада Лоренца, aggression does not follow
To perceive as essentially negative feature. If to consider(examine) aggression as
Desire to enter in struggle with similar, she(it) becomes useful mechanism for
Survivals of a sort: if the animal protects the territory from others, it can hold
The vital space under the control and optimum to use natural resources
ареала (that is important not only for separate особи, but also for all representatives
The given kind). The zoologists believe, that if not aggression, many kinds of animals for a long time
Have died out. The aggression in this or that form is peculiar to all kinds of animals, and, became to be,
She(it) is natural. And as though negatively we estimated aggression of the man, obviously,
That without it(her) the kind " гомо сапиенс " for a long time would die out.
The basic employment(occupation) of the lawyers - judicial processes.
Only 20 % of working hours the lawyers spend for conducting actions of proceeding (quite often
They lose them, losing on it money). 80 % of working hours of the lawyer leaves on
Advices and development of the contracts.
Акрополь is in Athenes.
Word "акрополь" on - гречески designates a place located on an eminence. By it
As word frequently named a fortress in feature of a urban wall. In Ancient Greece such was
Dozens, but Athenian Акрополь - most known of them.
The sharks attack the man.
The shark attacks the man, only if she(it) is angry or is very hungry. Thus
Only rather 10-12 versions from sharks, existing 350 kinds, are known, that they
неспровоцированно attack the man. The majority is content with food smaller
The sizes.
In the period between 1916 and 1969 all in the world 32 attacks were registered
White shark, largest and dangerous kind, on the man. 13 of them with fatal
By outcome, i.e. less than one case per one year.
If to add other sharks, for example тигровую and light-blue, the number of victims will increase, but
All the same not so to be compared to number of the people annually dying from an attack
The share prices can be predicted beforehand.
The share prices can be predicted beforehand not in the greater measure, than draw in a lottery, -
Only after closing a stock exchange it is possible precisely to tell, has risen or share price has fallen. However it
It does not follow to consider(count) circumstance at all as lack. Opposite(on the contrary), it is positive
Attribute: than more difficult is to predict, will rise or the actions(share) will fall, the better for exchange
The market.
In the well functioning market of the capital true cost of the securities always
Is estimated objectively in light of the available information. But we thus mean
" Internal cost ". This internal cost depends on what dividend
The securities in a near future to its(her) owner will bring. The evening internal price
Is unknown morning, you see we yet do not know, what day time events will render influence on
The market, also we do not know, they will sweeten an exchange soup or will add in him(it) salts.
To distinguish an internal rate since morning, the crafty stockjobbers collect all
The possible(probable) information: the prices on raw material, exchange rates of currencies, item of information on the taxes, level
Inflations, - everything, that can affect cost of the actions(shares). If the morning rate includes
All factors, which can be reflected in cost of the actions(shares) (ideal case), on the action(share)
The unknown events which have arisen within day (in can influence new, before
Opposite case they would be already taken into account(already discounted)). In other words, the rate varies in result
Unforeseen events. Fluctuations of a rate in the ideally arranged exchange market essence
Result of influence of accidents.
On Fridays the share prices are lower, than on Mondays.
This point of view quite often expresses on TV zealous exchange
Observers, which assert(approve), that brokers prefer in Friday " to reduce all to
To zero " and to not leave on a weekend a plenty of valuable papers. In this case
The rates of valuable papers by a weekend should fall.
However if closely(attentively) to look narrowly at course fluctuations of the actions(shares) within one week,
That the result turns out opposite: during long term rates with
Thursday on Friday vary in basic(basically) in positive party, with Friday on
Monday - in negative. Statistics on 7500 companies since January 1960 till December 1989
Year convincingly testifies, that Friday on the average gave the highest rate
The sold actions(shares).
Moreover, on Monday the rate fell. It seems strange - theoretically it(he)
Should be somewhere in the middle, differently anybody of the actions(shares) would not buy. Truth, this fall of a rate with
Friday on Monday named " as effect of Monday ", is absolutely insignificant on
To comparison with usual daily fluctuations of a rate, somewhere about 0,2 %, however
Statistically it is enough of it to not consider(count) it as accident. The reason of this phenomenon
Till now is unknown.
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