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Австрийцы - champions on consumption of coffee.
Certainly, in good Viennese кофейне you can submit up to 15 grades of coffee. But all the same
Not австрийцы drink most coffee. Here on first place act swedes and Finns - on
11 kgs of coffee grains on one man per one year. They are followed by(with) the Dutchs,
The Norwegians and Danes - till 10 kgs on soul of the population. And then - немцы and
австрийцы, where the consumption of coffee makes 8 kgs on one man.
German автобаны have arisen under the order Гитлера.
According to official нацистской to propagation, when Гитлер sat in prison in Ландсберге
In 1924, it(him) was the revelation - it(he) has seen Germany crossed from the end in the end
By highways, so anyone уголок of the country becomes accessible to the owner
Motor vehicles. These excellent(different) roads also have named автобанами.
Actually автобаны existed in 1921. Then in Berlin was
The first high quality road for machines AVUS is solemnly open. It was first
автобан in the world. In Italy such roads exist with 1923 (motorway, which conducts from
Milan in a direction of Switzerland). To 1926 was planned автобан Cologne
Dusseldorf, and in the same year the Society(community) for preparation was registered "
Automobile highway " Cities Ганзы (Hamburg, Luebeck, Kiel) - Frankfurt - Basel ". When
Гитлер became the chancellor of Germany, is perfect without his(its) participation and support on all country
The excellent(different) automobile highways, and at all his(its) merit, that the majority of them were under construction
Has appeared, is completed in times гитлеризма.
The agricultural grants which are given out by the European Community, - most
The large grants in the world.
Probably, in absolute expression the digital parameters look so, but if
To count money вспомоществование, given out to the European peasants, on soul
The population, will appear largest "грешниками" Norway and Switzerland - in Norway
Each farmer give grant at a rate of 1000 dollars, and in Switzerland - 900 dollars in
Year, while in the European Community the similar payments make only
500 dollars.
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